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Rant about Gas price jump...join in lol


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:mad: Well gas jumped $0.30 yesterday. Add that to the $0.10 increase earlier and in less than a week gas prices have jumped $0.40 which is just crazy. It's funny how all the refinery issues keep popping up and how they are now making tripple what they did last year on the refinery side. Oh and most of the refineries are owned by oil companies so I guess they will see record high profits again. :banghead: I guess they can never have enough money. 6 years ago I would have thougth $2 gas is crazy, but now I'd be happy to see that price. $3.19 is really crazy when gas was just $2.79 less than a week ago. Something needs to be done to stop the price jumping around so much but the goverment won't do a thing.
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I can't even remember the last time gas was under $3 here. Prices just suck that's for sure.


you Cali guys are just screwed. I'll be suprised if it ever gets below $3 in CA. I just wish the price was some what stable. I get tired of prices jumping up so much so fast. The price never comes down as fast. There is no good reason why prices should go up $0.40 in a week. I can understand the jump if a Hurricane hits and destroyed oil rigs and such but that's hasn't happened since 2005.

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you Cali guys are just screwed. I'll be suprised if it ever gets below $3 in CA. I just wish the price was some what stable. I get tired of prices jumping up so much so fast. The price never comes down as fast. There is no good reason why prices should go up $0.40 in a week. I can understand the jump if a Hurricane hits and destroyed oil rigs and such but that's hasn't happened since 2005.

I fully agree and have never understood it. I really hate how they post record profits when they are "hurting" so bad with things going wrong (disasters and such).

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you Cali guys are just screwed. I'll be suprised if it ever gets below $3 in CA. I just wish the price was some what stable. I get tired of prices jumping up so much so fast. The price never comes down as fast. There is no good reason why prices should go up $0.40 in a week. I can understand the jump if a Hurricane hits and destroyed oil rigs and such but that's hasn't happened since 2005.


Being in the midst of a cross country drive, I can say that CA is not all that bad for prices. I paid the same in San Diego as I've paid pretty much everywhere along the way. Bay area is a bit higher, but that's cause of all the hippies and their environmentally concious wallets. :yellow_loser:

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The reason the gas prices are going up is because we the people are willing to pay for it if the whole country would go one day without buying gas then they would know whats up lets start doing something about it when i first got my license gas was 95cents whats the deal come on florida lets do some drilling we know you got oil gas there their gas should be 5$ a gallon


Rant Rant tired of this :icon_bs:

Edited by brandt (see edit history)
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hey hey let's not start wishing for $5 a gallon for Fl :nono: ..... I am completly tired of the gas prices changing, like stated above the prices are bad enought without changing every day, it's a crap shoot to buy gas (you think to yourself if I buy it today is it going to be cheaper tomorrow, or more expensive). There are several different things that the government/the people could do to change the price of gas, but nothing to going to change, because we all are not going to change how we use gas. As long as the customers are there the oil companies are going to keep doing this. I know I will never sell my SSS, and in that I know that I will be F-ed in the A by the oil companies :cry: . Yeah we could drill in the gulf off the coast of FL, we could drill in the preserve in Alaska; but it's not going to help if they don't update or build new refineries. We could have as much crude oil as we want, but it takes those refineries to give us our gas. :rant:



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I just really gets me. Nothing else in the market is as sensative as gasoline. The prince of Saudi Arabia cuts a load fart, or sneezes one too many times and the price jumps .20.

The threat of a hurricane off the coast of Antarctica makes it jumps .50.

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The reason the gas prices are going up is because we the people are willing to pay for it if the whole country would go one day without buying gas then they would know whats up


I disagree with this... I've gotten E-mails for the 'don't buy gas' day. So, what's everyone do? They buy gas a day ahead or a day later. That's not gonna do a thing.


Don't buy gas for a month... ride a bike to work... all great ideas, for those that live in/around town. What about the rest of main-stream America that lives 12 miles outta town. They'll drive for 45 minutes, make 40-50 miles before they hit the jobsite -- not real practical either.


What else you got for ideas? I love my SS. I'm not giving it up for anything. There are Millions of people that feel the same way I do. If you want to drive gas-guzzlers, then pay for it.


I don't love the idea of paying high prices for fuel. But what else are we gonna do? I'm pretty sure talking to the legislators, senators, representatives, etc isn't going to do anything. It hasn't helped so far. Complaining to the oil companies doesn't seem to be working either.


Solution? Devise a car/truck that satifies 100% of Americans that gets 100 miles to the gallon, has plenty of power, room, etc.


6 months down the road, we're gonna be complaining because it should get 120 miles to the gallon, should have more power, and it's not big enough.

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Think of this. Gasoline prices moves according to the cost and use of regular grade... though rougly 96% of all gasoline sales is regular grade, 3% or mid-grade, and 1% of high octane (in our local area). I've seen gas go up $0.80 a gallon, and the whole time, we never recieved any deliveries of mid or high octane gas. Just look at diesel fuel, where as it's pretty much consistant. Also, gasoline is a by-product of diesel fuel. Why is diesel fuel at $2.819 and regular gasoline at $3.199? The gap between the useage of diesel fuel and gasoline is quickly shrinking as well.


I wonder, can you bolt up the Duramaxx to the AWD of the SS....

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Here in iowa our gas prices went from 2.95 to 2.35 today when i filled up and then to top it all of the gas station i went to tried to report me as a drive off so i got stopped by a cop later today and luckily i had my reciept to prove it and the cop was cool he was asking me about my truck and everything and then he started talking about his 5.3 silverado he just bought. Its good to have a cop in my town that appreciates nice vehicles and that I earn what I have.

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