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Rant about Gas price jump...join in lol


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Prices dropped about $0.37 per gal. right before the 4th here in the carolinas. (Which, really surprised me) ... and in the last week, they've jumped back up $0.40 per gal. :banghead:


I agree there is something we all need to do ... but WHAT??? 1-day boycotts don't ever work ... :sigh:

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I disagree with this... I've gotten E-mails for the 'don't buy gas' day. So, what's everyone do? They buy gas a day ahead or a day later. That's not gonna do a thing.


Don't buy gas for a month... ride a bike to work... all great ideas, for those that live in/around town. What about the rest of main-stream America that lives 12 miles outta town. They'll drive for 45 minutes, make 40-50 miles before they hit the jobsite -- not real practical either.


What else you got for ideas? I love my SS. I'm not giving it up for anything. There are Millions of people that feel the same way I do. If you want to drive gas-guzzlers, then pay for it.


I don't love the idea of paying high prices for fuel. But what else are we gonna do? I'm pretty sure talking to the legislators, senators, representatives, etc isn't going to do anything. It hasn't helped so far. Complaining to the oil companies doesn't seem to be working either.


Solution? Devise a car/truck that satifies 100% of Americans that gets 100 miles to the gallon, has plenty of power, room, etc.


6 months down the road, we're gonna be complaining because it should get 120 miles to the gallon, should have more power, and it's not big enough.

:withstupid: The don't buy gas day is a bust. So, the day before and the day after gas stations will be busy. You're also right about bicycle, or public transportation, not every area has it. I have a 16 mile trip down a major interstate. I ain't riding bike. I'm a big guy, so eceonoboxes are out. There is probably no real solution, yet, as we've become acustom to our vehicles so we have no chioce but to buy gas. Partial solution would be carpooling, not taking unneccessary trips, or not taking the regular family vacation. If one or two people do it, it won't really matter, but if everyone does it, it may hit them where it hurts. Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)
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