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Who's fault was it?


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... But then again, I'm an ****.
:lol: You ****! :jester:


That's really a tough call. Morally--it's the secretarys fault. She should have had her dog under control and did not. However, would everyone feel the same if it was a kid that got hit and killed? If a kid runs out in front of you and you hit them you can still be held responsible because you "fail to control your vehicle" even if you're doing everything legally. ...

I can answer that second-hand: a lady here at the company was driving down main street (20-mph limit, school zone) and a pedestrian stumbled and fell off the curb into the path of her Chrysler 300, killed the pedestrian and the driver (my friend) after an interview with the city D/A was determined innocent and no charges were filed. That was a few years ago here in Stephenville.


Mr. P.

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It's a FREAKIN accident people!!!!!!! GEEEEZUS


Kevin, i would go slap your secratery in the face and piss down her throat. Why in the hell would she file a police report for a terrible accident like that? The driver did not mean to hit the dog nor did the secretary mean to drop the leash. Plain and simple, it was an accident, no one is truely "at fault". Christ, what is wrong with people now days....

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First, I'd crack jokes all day long against my sec if she was filing charges. "Don't walk by her desk, she might accidently put her coffee in your way and want you to replace it." Everything, constantly, "Hey everybody, make sure you put the seat down, the sec might seek damages for her fingernails touching the seat." I'd be a rutherless pric until she quit or sued me. She's a douschebag that contributes to "It's not my fault" mentality that plagues America.


Second, it could be the drivers fault. Sorry folks, it's like hitting somebody in the rear, 99% of the time it's the driver hitting the other in the rear's fault. Sure, the local prosecutor will drop the charges once they find out that there was just no time for a reaction. Like the person falling into the street and so on. The other 1% of no-faults. But let's face it, if you aren't babbling on the phone and were paying attention to what's in front of you...you wouldn't run into shit.


If there was really no time to react, which nobody will ever know unless you were there, then it's no ones fault. I mean what was the speed limit in this "neighborhood"? Was the dude doing it? If it's like around here, it's 25mph and everybody does 50MPH. Time to react? I think not. Otherwise, it's no different if you are driving through a neighborhood and a kid darts out in front of you to get a ball. If you were 50' away, speeding, and on the phone and you still hit the kid....you suck.


They'll both get slapped on the wrist and she'll watse money chasing it unless it was all on a traffic camera.

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horse.gif:crackup::crackup: I can't walk by by my sec without snickering now Josh! That reply was fantastic.


Yea, I figured you all would feel the same,...thought a topic like this would get some people spun up. :lol:



...Not that losing your pet is anything to laugh over, it is tragic.

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It's a FREAKIN accident people!!!!!!! GEEEEZUS


Kevin, i would go slap your secratery in the face and piss down her throat. Why in the hell would she file a police report for a terrible accident like that? The driver did not mean to hit the dog nor did the secretary mean to drop the leash. Plain and simple, it was an accident, no one is truely "at fault". Christ, what is wrong with people now days....

Yeah tell us how you really feel buddy!!!! Sec's fault

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Second, it could be the drivers fault. Sorry folks, it's like hitting somebody in the rear, 99% of the time it's the driver hitting the other in the rear's fault. Sure, the local prosecutor will drop the charges once they find out that there was just no time for a reaction. Like the person falling into the street and so on. The other 1% of no-faults. But let's face it, if you aren't babbling on the phone and were paying attention to what's in front of you...you wouldn't run into shit.


If there was really no time to react, which nobody will ever know unless you were there, then it's no ones fault. I mean what was the speed limit in this "neighborhood"? Was the dude doing it? If it's like around here, it's 25mph and everybody does 50MPH. Time to react? I think not. Otherwise, it's no different if you are driving through a neighborhood and a kid darts out in front of you to get a ball. If you were 50' away, speeding, and on the phone and you still hit the kid....you suck.


They'll both get slapped on the wrist and she'll watse money chasing it unless it was all on a traffic camera.


There are usually leash laws in cities. If there is one there and i'm sure there is, then its her fault.

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There are usually leash laws in cities. If there is one there and i'm sure there is, then its her fault.


she was observing it if i undersatnd the story correctly. so she should file suit against the collar company. lol Or like mentioned earlier, some one should just slap her and piss down her throat for not putting the collar on correctly.

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she was observing it if i undersatnd the story correctly. so she should file suit against the collar company. lol Or like mentioned earlier, some one should just slap her and piss down her throat for not putting the collar on correctly.
Give her a mushroom print upside her head and be done with it.
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It's a FREAKIN accident people!!!!!!! GEEEEZUS


Kevin, i would go slap your secratery in the face and piss down her throat. Why in the hell would she file a police report for a terrible accident like that? The driver did not mean to hit the dog nor did the secretary mean to drop the leash. Plain and simple, it was an accident, no one is truely "at fault". Christ, what is wrong with people now days....




Great post Josh. I was thinking the exact same thing, well the...it's an accident part anyway.


Kevin is your secretary a royal PITA?

Sounds like she might be :dunno: Instead of slapping her and pissing down her throat, a nice gift wrapped butt plug may be the perfect expression of sympathy and condolence :jester:

Too bad about the dog. Was it some kind of pedigree dog or an animal shelter rescue. I'd rather have the animal shelter rescue dog myself.

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sue the little chinese kid who wove the nylon together to make the collar.

or sue the cow for producing inferior leather if it was a leather collar.

or the company who paved the road not giving it enough traction to stop in time.

while you are at it sue the tire company, the brake company, the electric company (road not lit well enough)

sue everyone on this board for talking about it

sue GOD, ALLah, and mohammed, for allowing it to happen, budda for the wrong zen.

oh and sue hillary clinton just for shits and giggles.

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Well, here is a twist:


I spoke with her (secretary) and she filed a police report and will be pursuing a "hit and run" charge to the lady that hit her dog. The lady that hit her dog did stop and wait until she (sec.) got the dog in her possession to take to the vet however left after that and did not have communication after that.


This is a F'ing soap opera. My sec. wants the lady to pay for cremation and the vet bill. :icon_bs: I told her to watch for a countersuit that may involve alot more than she bargained for. She need to drop it and get on with her life and admit she is at fault. :ughdance:


She is crying all the time and I still can't stop thinking about Holty's post everytime I see her. :lol::sigh:

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