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Hitting the track tonight to test wheel differences


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Right now my plan is to make 2 runs with the 22". The first run will be normal, but I thought I would hot lap the 2nd run. Then put the stock 20" on and do the same thing to compare times. I plan to do the sam launch at 1500 RPMs. How long should I let the engine cool down between the 22" run and 20" run? It will take at least 30 mins to switch out the wheels. Will that be plenty for the truck to cool down or should I wait longer? I won't get to the track till 7:00 so that's why I plan to hot lap my 2nd and 4th run. I want to get in at least 4 runs. I'd like to also get a 5th run in stalling to 2400 RPMs to see if I can get a best time. What's the best stall RPM to get the best 1/4 time? I've got a TBTC so I don't think I've stalled it past 2600 RPMs.


Thanks, Jeremy

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I'd say about 45 minutes to an hour to cool.



Sounds good to me as well. Just try to be as similar as your first runs to remove as much bias as possible. Keep note on how much the air cools off as you go into the night. In the summer, from 7PM to like 10Pm I notice a 10* drop in ambient temps easily. That alone will impact your times.


Have fun and good luck! :cheers:

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Did it rain? Just kidding. As P stated, I am interested as well. I really enjoy seeing real world comparisons! :cheers:



I posted the times in a new thread. Now if I can only fomat that stupid post so stuff don't run together. I spaced it out in createing the post but the numbers are just running together.:banghead:

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