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Police Question

SS Silv

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hey pimpss, do you get into trouble for having you license plate there?? once i put my ss bumper on i dont want to drill into it. but maybe its just your state alows it??
It is required in Texas, but it really depends on the officer whether he'll give you a ticket or not.
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Aaahhhhh.... My thread has been hi-jacked, haha.


Back on topic please.


ya this went south fast lol. back to your question. and the answer is yes. you will most likely get in trouble. a cop will most likely rember giving a warning about tinited tails. how many people in your area have them? so if its the same one make up an excuse be like i dont have my stock ones. or have a stock set in the truck and if he ask just be like officer i just picked them up today, i was going to go install them right this min. once a cop lets you off once they most likely wont be so leanent the next time. so just be carefull.

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:withstupid: Yup in my judgement he'll pop you next time. Your only defense IMO is to be able to convince him that you did the "responsible thing" and had the lights redone with a lighter shade of tint so as to be bright enough to comply with the law. If the officer believes that you are upright and responsible they will work with you on the issue; if they smell one ounce of irresponsibility on you then just know you'll be handed the clipboard...


Mr. P.

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What's a PBA card.


Police Benevolent Association (Apparently the suggester didn't know what it actually was)


I wouldn't suggest flashing one either, unless you're a cop. All you're going to do with one of those is get the person you got the card from in trouble and then everyone just looks like dumbasses.

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Police Benevolent Association (Apparently the suggester didn't know what it actually was)


I wouldn't suggest flashing one either, unless you're a cop. All you're going to do with one of those is get the person you got the card from in trouble and then everyone just looks like dumbasses.




deehutch is dee man,it is the policemans benevolent association and i also heard you should be careful waving those around you could get the person that gave you the card in trouble

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in all seriousness, like the PBA, up here alot of people had MPA stickers in their windows. usually the back window. it was the sticker for the Mass. Patrolman's Assoc. (Stitches correct me if I'm wrong!). They cracked down on the stickers because everyone that was a family member or friend had one in their car. So, the MPA switched to laminated tags (and, I believe, limited how many each officer was given) that were identical to the stickers that most people clipped onto the rearview mirror.


Now, it seems that if you have the "thin blue line" somewhere on your car or truck, that tends to help alittle bit.


Nothing helps better than being smart. Stickers and everything else only get you so far. :driving:

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# 1 - MPA stickers in their windows. usually the back window. it was the sticker for the Mass. Patrolman's Assoc. (Stitches correct me if I'm wrong!). They cracked down on the stickers because everyone that was a family member or friend had one in their car.


# 2 - Now, it seems that if you have the "thin blue line" somewhere on your car or truck, that tends to help alittle bit.

Yeah Keith ...


MPA - Massachusetts Police Association ... Due to each sticker is registered to a Police Officer/Department, I only accept current 2007 stickers. This is due to everyone and their brother "Claiming" to be related to a police officer. Driver's side lower windshield is the prefered location.


Thin Blue Line stickers .... To me, as they stand alone ... they are Junk!!! Anyone can get them off of Ebay or shop for some on the internet. ... It does tell me that maybe a police officer is present, but if I ask for some cradentials ... Be prepaired to produce.


.... As for the rest of it ... Drive normal, be legal and tell the truth, You'll drive off with a warning .... If you want to BS me, not a problem, we have ways of correcting that behavior too ... :D

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Yeah Keith ...


MPA - Massachusetts Police Association ... Due to each sticker is registered to a Police Officer/Department, I only accept current 2007 stickers. This is due to everyone and their brother "Claiming" to be related to a police officer. Driver's side lower windshield is the prefered location.


Thin Blue Line stickers .... To me, as they stand alone ... they are Junk!!! Anyone can get them off of Ebay or shop for some on the internet. ... It does tell me that maybe a police officer is present, but if I ask for some cradentials ... Be prepaired to produce.


.... As for the rest of it ... Drive normal, be legal and tell the truth, You'll drive off with a warning .... If you want to BS me, not a problem, we have ways of correcting that behavior too ... :D

i stand corrected. :D

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OK guys, all joking aside, What is a PBA card?



Police Benevolent Association (Apparently the suggester didn't know what it actually was)


cwest answered it in post #7 ... geez guys ... read the whole topic :smash:

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Last time I got pulled over, I gave the officer my CCW, and told himm my wepon was in the car. He tossed the CCW back to me and wrote me a careless driving ticket??? I was not speeding too fast but...anyway I called about the ticket and he did not file it b/c it was not on record:)

dont speed, the brakes on these trucks stink:)

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Yeah Keith ...


MPA - Massachusetts Police Association ... Due to each sticker is registered to a Police Officer/Department, I only accept current 2007 stickers. This is due to everyone and their brother "Claiming" to be related to a police officer. Driver's side lower windshield is the prefered location.


Thin Blue Line stickers .... To me, as they stand alone ... they are Junk!!! Anyone can get them off of Ebay or shop for some on the internet. ... It does tell me that maybe a police officer is present, but if I ask for some cradentials ... Be prepaired to produce.


.... As for the rest of it ... Drive normal, be legal and tell the truth, You'll drive off with a warning .... If you want to BS me, not a problem, we have ways of correcting that behavior too ... :D


iam very good freinds with many police officers around here. i do alot of work for muicipalities around here so many officers do know me. a close freind thats a police officer gave me a thin blue line plate and sticker. i asked for it not to get out of tickets but to support him. has it helped me???? probablly. but i have never done anything that stupid to get pullled over. i will be asking him about that MPA sticker though. and stiches040 does mass have a PBA card??

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stiches040 does mass have a PBA card??


There has to be. The IBPO and MassCops are the two biggest Unions in the state, so a PBA would not surprise me ...


But like the Thin Blue Line sticker ... Anyone can "Donate" to a "Police" type fund and receive their "PBA" card in the mail. We get a ton of phone calls each year from people who are being Soliceted for funds during "Police Sponsored Fund Drives" that have noting to due with actual police agencies .... You can show me a PBA card ... Whoopie ... Tom, Dick and Harry's Benevolent Accociation .... Like I said before ... If you can't back it up with credentials ... Don't bother showing it ....

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.... As for the rest of it ... Drive normal, be legal and tell the truth, You'll drive off with a warning .... If you want to BS me, not a problem, we have ways of correcting that behavior too ... :D
I think that's the biggest one right there. I'm sure you've heard every excuse that there is.
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