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My new intake


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well after basically getting screwed into buying an airaid, since "there is not a volant for my 06 SS" (yeah right!!) anways, i thought i would make something good out of it. so i took the airaid raised letters and production numbers off the intake tube. i also removed ALL of the texture which isnt easy. much time went into this but i love the way it cam out. anyways its silver birch metallic to match my truck. what do you guys think?




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Who told you they don't make Volant for 06 SSS's? ANy who that looks good take some pics after install.

long story short, a buddy (not anymore) who works at a local wheel shop took $550 from me for a 5 piece cutout billit grille, volant and down payment for rear 315's tires for the mustang. i got a airaid intake, only the main upper grille which is a bolt-over and no tires. there will be an ass whoopin in his near future when i can find him. he told me he got me the airaid bc volant didnt make an intake for my truck. i knew it was bs and told him so but i couldnt return it since it was a "hook-up" price. not too much of a hook-up when you get effed though lol.

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yeah i was gonna ask why you said "there is not a volant for my 06 SS" (yeah right!!) i check the price on the air raid and it's only a $30 diff in price. man thats a total joke i hate stuff like that! but thats okay about a week ago i was parked outside my friends house from 6pm till 10pm he lives in a gated neighboorhood and when i got back out to my truck my tailgate was gone! :banghead:

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yeah i was gonna ask why you said "there is not a volant for my 06 SS" (yeah right!!) i check the price on the air raid and it's only a $30 diff in price. man thats a total joke i hate stuff like that! but thats okay about a week ago i was parked outside my friends house from 6pm till 10pm he lives in a gated neighboorhood and when i got back out to my truck my tailgate was gone! :banghead:

damn that sucks, i dont know what i would do. i would be out for blood lol.

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damn that sucks, i dont know what i would do. i would be out for blood lol.


yeah i called the cops and they only took 2 hrs to get there. then they said there is nothing they could do good luck. so have been hunting around to see if someone was dumb enough to sell it on ebay or something but no luck so far so i'm just gonna get a new one with a lock and a hidden tailgate handle.

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and to make it worse, thats the airraid for trucks with clutch-type fans LOL.

what is the main difference in the two?


*EDIT* just looked at the box and its a part # 200-186 and it does say up to 06 with 6.0 and elec. fans. so i think its the right one... hopefully lol.

Edited by 1BAD2K (see edit history)
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