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Rear end leaking

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I recently changed out my shocks and when I went under the truck I saw that the rear differential is leaking. Not a huge leak, very minor I would say, but has anyone experienced this? I plan on taking my truck in for service this week and was wondering if this was common.


Also, what's the word on the whining noise I've been hearing? I thought that had to do with the rear end since I hear that as well.

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alex its common, its probably not leaking but more breathign through the gasket. imo its proabbly about time to servide your rear end :crackup: . very easy to do. i just did the same thing krambo posted but in your setup its really not needed unless your going for some bling . you can use synthetic in the rear but not the front, if you get it from gm youll need 2 bottles.

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It may be time for a rear end service (ie: the gasket leak), but the whining noise would concern me. A whining noise from the rear end many times signifies low gear oil, or worse yet a bearing issue. Have the entire rear checked when they pull the diff. cover for the service......:driving:

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if you have the 40-60 mph whine that sounds like a bad pinion bearing? mostly on decelerating? had the same issue. dealer rebuilt and then had to replaced my rear end. come to find out it was the front diff that was bad. the sound was traveling thou the front drive shaft like a megaphone to the rear end. 03-04 had a lot of bad parts used in them, bearings and cases were out of spec. after you get the rear leak fixed i would drain and pull the front cover and take a look inside, just on the safe side...


good luck



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