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i just don't understand it


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That depends on the local municipality - lasers are expensive (compared to Ka-band units) so only the cities that have $$$ can afford them. So if you live/drive through a wealthy neighborhood with a good tax base then yeah they'll be on the roadsides using laser and I haven't seen a practical defense to it yet. A good hint is to look at the salaries they pay their I/T people!


Mr. P.


Well I guess they upgraded everyone down here with Laser then... havent even seen a Ka band alert since buying the detector a few weeks ago. Just LASER alerts when I see the motorcycle dudes hanging out... as far as I know, there is no defense to it unless you want to possibly go to jail.


lol @ the IT salary thing.. I am in IT thats why I live out here... The LA/OC/SD areas are the place to be if your in that business. Want to move out here Mr. P? ;)

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does the passport tell you the direction the radar is coming from??


i have seen a few laser's but they are usually false alarms. i see ka and i know that always a cop . the x and k bands arent even used here anymore.

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Well I guess they upgraded everyone down here with Laser then... havent even seen a Ka band alert since buying the detector a few weeks ago. Just LASER alerts when I see the motorcycle dudes hanging out... as far as I know, there is no defense to it unless you want to possibly go to jail.


lol @ the IT salary thing.. I am in IT thats why I live out here... The LA/OC/SD areas are the place to be if your in that business. Want to move out here Mr. P? ;)

Hmmm well I suppose that's still more than 6-hrs away from the ex-wife, yeah that would be ok... :jester: In all seriousness, *IF* (and that's a big IF) I ever moved back to CA the only place I would consider is SD. But I am not sure that I could make it there, affordable housing would be a problem, child support would be a problem, and I would still be over 8-hrs from the kids so no upside there vs. living here. And it's nice not working to get around the smog laws. But then again SD could be a lot of fun, and nobody in Texas can make pizza or bread, I miss that.


I'm usually pretty good picking out who's I/T here on the forum but never picked-up on that with you...


Mr. P.

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does the passport tell you the direction the radar is coming from??


i have seen a few laser's but they are usually false alarms. i see ka and i know that always a cop . the x and k bands arent even used here anymore.

I've only seen X-band used once, by a sheriff's deputy on I-10 just 10-miles west of Blythe, that was about 3-years ago? All Texas state troopers use Ka band, and their distance is *very* short, the detector usually goes off only a split-second before you see them but it's enough time. Most Texas counties and cities are very poor and are still using recycled K-band moving radar and that get's picked-up like a couple miles away. But when you get to Austin, Irving, north Fort Worth, Plano, etc you see a lot of LIDAR. In Austin they like to make a big show of force, on I-35 just south of Braker Ln exit you will see 4-6 motorcycle patrolmen parked on the shoulder (looks like a goup of Hells Angels - whatever) watching the morning commute go by.


Now that my Bel Vector 990 was ripped-off 2 weeks ago I'm going to save-up and get an Escort 9500.


Good website - www.radarroy.com


Mr. P.

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Just LASER alerts when I see the motorcycle dudes hanging out... as far as I know, there is no defense to it unless you want to possibly go to jail.


I always thought some infrared "fog lights" that just happen to emit at 905 nanometers would do the trick. ;) Gee officer, I had no idea they would give your laser gun problems :D



lol @ the IT salary thing.. I am in IT thats why I live out here... The LA/OC/SD areas are the place to be if your in that business. Want to move out here Mr. P? ;)

Just don't look at the home prices :crazy:

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i dont even pay attention to the x and k band. here in so cal you cant go 1 mile without having one go off.


i wnet on a trip to az this past weekend and i picked up alot of chp's along the way , one of them i picked off over 2-3 miles away thats the nice thing about the v1 it gives you signal stregnth and how many of what its picking up. need less to say i avg over 100 mph the way out there but i was in a hurry to get on the lake. made a 300+ mile trip in 3 hours.

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Just don't look at the home prices :crazy:
Yeah, seems now that the only people who can afford to buy a SD-area home are those that already own a Sd-area home! But now is the time to buy, I see that the CA housing market just shit the bed - 50K forclosures this summer :crazy:


Mr. P.

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Mr. P, I have been enjoying this dialogue and have a few points about lasers. Someone else said that lasers can be false, technically this would be impossible because a laser/radar detectors has a monitor window that is triggered by a laser-which is high freq light spectrum emissions (and not the pocket lasers ITer love-LOL). I have been hit by Lasers three times in the last 9 months (once in GA and twice in TN) and saw the instigator each time. I may be wrong.


The last time I got hit, I was passing a metro bus and the copper hit me just before turning off at the TKD place my little girl went to. I was able to fight it because he wrote that I was going 69 miles an hour, within 50 meters of my turn into the parking lot. Impossible for me to be going that speed and making the turn. So yes, Lasers work but I do not know the accuracy vis. speed.

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i dont even pay attention to the x and k band. here in so cal you cant go 1 mile without having one go off.


i wnet on a trip to az this past weekend and i picked up alot of chp's along the way , one of them i picked off over 2-3 miles away thats the nice thing about the v1 it gives you signal stregnth and how many of what its picking up. need less to say i avg over 100 mph the way out there but i was in a hurry to get on the lake. made a 300+ mile trip in 3 hours.

One thing that I notice about CHP vs other states - seems to me the CHP always work in pairs; when you pass one you'll invariably see his buddy within 10-15 minutes. Texas highway patrolmen do not have 'barracks' like CHP, they actually live in the counties that they patrol and are alone, when you pass one it's almost guaranteed you won't see another trooper on that road until you get to the next county line. But still gotta watch for the county deputies...


Mr. P.

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Mr P.. I have been in the IT biz for about 10 years now... funny you mentioned you didnt pick it up but usually can, everyone always says that to me wherever I go and have worked in the past. I dont look like the average business / IT guy unless I wear my nice clothes because I am pretty tatted up (full sleeve, half sleeve and more) so I have to dress professional or else they think I am some motocross riding tattoo artist (so ive been told) ... lol. Hence the new 300C and long sleeves I sport when going to customers businesses.


As far as lasers and LIDAR goes.. I just dont see how you can get a false alarm? Maybe the cop was hiding real good and painted you real fast before you saw him. Once a detector says LASER usually means you just got tagged.


As far as X and K bands go.. I disabled those when I first got my Escort 8500.. the K and X bands are no longer used in Cali... I havent even seen any Ka alerts go off (havent seen any cops hiding except 2-3 so far, all LASER alerted when they checked the speed)


I am sure all depts. will soon go to LIDAR guns.. because I am sure the Return of Investment is VERY high and will pay for themselves over and over again.


I know if I ran a business such as a local police department, I would have all of my mobile revenuers with the latest income generating equipment in hand. More tickets = More profit

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Mr P.. I have been in the IT biz for about 10 years now... funny you mentioned you didnt pick it up but usually can, everyone always says that to me wherever I go and have worked in the past. I dont look like the average business / IT guy unless I wear my nice clothes because I am pretty tatted up (full sleeve, half sleeve and more) so I have to dress professional or else they think I am some motocross riding tattoo artist (so ive been told) ... lol. Hence the new 300C and long sleeves I sport when going to customers businesses.


As far as lasers and LIDAR goes.. I just dont see how you can get a false alarm? Maybe the cop was hiding real good and painted you real fast before you saw him. Once a detector says LASER usually means you just got tagged.


As far as X and K bands go.. I disabled those when I first got my Escort 8500.. the K and X bands are no longer used in Cali... I havent even seen any Ka alerts go off (havent seen any cops hiding except 2-3 so far, all LASER alerted when they checked the speed)


I am sure all depts. will soon go to LIDAR guns.. because I am sure the Return of Investment is VERY high and will pay for themselves over and over again.


I know if I ran a business such as a local police department, I would have all of my mobile revenuers with the latest income generating equipment in hand. More tickets = More profit

I see - you're the defcon type! :lol: That's ok, don't let 'em give you any shit about your tatoos! They could suddenly come down with a mysterious email routing problem... :lol: Totally agree with you on the laser detection, it's useless IMO - it just lets you know that you better begin to pull over to the shoulder for your ticket. But when the time comes I move back into denser population I'll probably go ahead and get a Blinder.


Mr. P.

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I see - you're the defcon type! :lol: That's ok, don't let 'em give you any shit about your tatoos! They could suddenly come down with a mysterious email routing problem... :lol: Totally agree with you on the laser detection, it's useless IMO - it just lets you know that you better begin to pull over to the shoulder for your ticket. But when the time comes I move back into denser population I'll probably go ahead and get a Blinder.


Mr. P.



Haha, naw those defcon guys are a bunch of pimply faced overweight kids with no friends... lol


As far as the laser jamming goes, I was looking at a Escort ZR3 Shifter or something like that... its like $500 though and you can get in serious trouble with it. Some guys hook up kill switches to them though... it will jam the Laser and beep like crazy, they slow the fock down, then kill the jammer so the cop (or Sales Executive for the PD as i call them) gets a reading AFTER you have slowed down.


Check out this link.. shows how good the jammers can work... the kill switch would let the cop get a reading once hes slowed down to legal speeds.. but you still run the risk of getting in deep sh*t if caught with it. Also shows just how fast they get your speed .. by the time your detector sees the laser, dudes already got you.


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