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ok back in college... yes, this is true...


i went on a date, and at the end of the date i was unsuccessful at taking her back to my place... so when i got home at around 11pm, i decided i wanted a big glass of chocolate milk and proceeded to drink 2 huge plastic cups of the stuff and watched tv...


about 15 minutes later my roommate came home and i told him of my unsuccessful date and he told me that i should call his cousin, a girl i had met the day before, and that she liked me and that she would put out...


she only had one condition - buy alcohol...


I went across the street to 7-11 and just being on a date and a broke student, i decided to get the cheap stuff... mad dog 20/20... two bottles of the stuff... you see where this is going...


she came over and we sat down and drank both bottles within 15 minutes and 10 minutes later we were in my bedroom... he wasnt lying, she was easy...


well visualizations aside... about 15-20 minutes had passed and as i was finishing up, when my stomach went sour and i didnt even get up, i turned my head and proceeded to throw up all over her clothes... and spent the next 5 hours laying next to the toilet... she was horrified... lol


i guess she wasnt real happy about her clothes either... but that didnt stop her from coming back later that week!



i guess i am living up to my reputation of pure evil on this one... :devil:




LOL Your the man dude! And SHE STILL came back lol :yellow_loser:

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ok back in college... yes, this is true...


i went on a date, and at the end of the date i was unsuccessful at taking her back to my place... so when i got home at around 11pm, i decided i wanted a big glass of chocolate milk and proceeded to drink 2 huge plastic cups of the stuff and watched tv...


about 15 minutes later my roommate came home and i told him of my unsuccessful date and he told me that i should call his cousin, a girl i had met the day before, and that she liked me and that she would put out...


she only had one condition - buy alcohol...


I went across the street to 7-11 and just being on a date and a broke student, i decided to get the cheap stuff... mad dog 20/20... two bottles of the stuff... you see where this is going...


she came over and we sat down and drank both bottles within 15 minutes and 10 minutes later we were in my bedroom... he wasnt lying, she was easy...


well visualizations aside... about 15-20 minutes had passed and as i was finishing up, when my stomach went sour and i didnt even get up, i turned my head and proceeded to throw up all over her clothes... and spent the next 5 hours laying next to the toilet... she was horrified... lol


i guess she wasnt real happy about her clothes either... but that didnt stop her from coming back later that week!



i guess i am living up to my reputation of pure evil on this one... :devil:


haha i dont know about PURE evil, i would've made her clean it up lol

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