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Anyone have a trans solinoid go bad?

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Anyone have problems with thier "A" (1-2 shift) or the "B" (3-4 shift) solinoids acting strange or go bad??


Mine is occasionally holding the 1-2 shift too long and I think it is the solinoid. It is frustrating and kinda scary at the same time when I hammer on it from a stop and the tach jumps to 5200rpm and wont shift for a few seconds :banghead: I have been looking around and the OEM solinoids seem pretty reasonable in price. Has anyone seen or used High Performance ones?? Thanks :driving:

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Anyone have problems with thier "A" (1-2 shift) or the "B" (3-4 shift) solinoids acting strange or go bad??


Mine is occasionally holding the 1-2 shift too long and I think it is the solenoid. It is frustrating and kinda scary at the same time when I hammer on it from a stop and the tach jumps to 5200rpm and wont shift for a few seconds :banghead: I have been looking around and the OEM solinoids seem pretty reasonable in price. Has anyone seen or used High Performance ones?? Thanks :driving:


had mine replaced under warranty. been good for 35k so far. instead of replacing the solenoids, they changed the hole valve body assembly for me... :thumbs:



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