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In Memoriam


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Hey Fireman, were all these guys from your dept? Very sad.


I even wore my FDNY Hells Kitchen shirt with 9-11-01 Never forget and in memorian of shirt today!! :flag:


I joined my FD a few months after 9/11/01.


I'll lay it for you.......


Lieutenant John P. Napolitano FDNY Rescue Co. 2--Ex-Chief and Commisioner Lakeland FD....I knew him through the neighborhood


Firefighter William J. Mahoney Jr. FDNY Rescue Co. 4--Firefighter Lakeland FD


Firefighter Peter Brennan FDNY Squad Co. 288--Former member Lakeland FD.....was a member of neighboring Hauppauge FD at the time


Police Officer Glen K. Pettit NYPD Video Unit--Former member Lakeland FD...was a member of neighboring West Sayville FD at the time....I grew up down the street from him


Captain James Amato FDNY Squad Co. 1--Former member Lakeland FD


Its sucks that we lost all 5 of these guys, I don't know what else to say, today is

not an easy one to get through :happysad::flag:

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I was in my first semester of college, I had just parked my car and was listening to Howard Stern, Crazy Cabbie had called in and said that a plane had just flown into the WTC, I figured that it was a small Cessna or something, and went to class. I came out 1-1/2 hours later and one of the towers was already down........the college was closing early and sending everyone home. I called my dad at work in a panic and asked him what the hell was going on. His words to me were "We're under attack......just go home and stay there." I raced home, turned on the news and saw the carnage. It looked like hell on earth. :eek::tear:

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Rest In Peace the victims of the atrocity's

Our thoughts and Prayers are with the Families and friends of all those affected.


Rot in Hell those responsible



We held a 2 minute silence at work today for the people affected and those who perished



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I'll never forget the day. After the first plane hit, my work had the TV on watching the news report on live TV. A couple mins later we watched in disbelief as the 2nd plane hit. God bless our troops and this great nation and also all the men and women who lost their lives that day and those who tried to save them. We will never forget :flag:

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Rest In Peace the victims of the atrocity's

Our thoughts and Prayers are with the Families and friends of all those affected.


Rot in Hell those responsible

We held a 2 minute silence at work today for the people affected and those who perished



Thanks Eamonn. I,m glad it's you guys that have our backs. Hats off to the UK. :thumbs: Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)
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Today we remember all those who lost their lives, god bless them.


God Bless and Rest in Peace:

Lt. Andy “Nozzles” Fredericks, Squad 18, FDNY


:withstupid: Another hard loss, we have countless "Bread and Butter" training videos in the firehouse that he narrated. :shakehead:

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When we were in Fire Academy, one of our training chiefs was retired FDNY and another instructor was retired FDNY. They had MANY of stories and actually one of our training LT's was in NYC and went back to his station then went out with the truck. This guy was 60+ and beat to shit physically from the fire service after 30 years of doing his job that he loved. After 9/11 he started selling 9/11 memorial shirts out of his truck and gives back a percentage of his sales to FDNY memorial and FDNY supports.


On another note, I've been watching the news all day today and it reminds me of one of the resons I joined the fire service. Something that really chapped my ass today was when they interviewed some stupid unpatriotic psychologist who says that America may be taking the whole 9/11 rememberance too far! If I was within distance of anyone who even MENTIONED the slightest thing about this being TOO MUCH, you can bet there would be some punches thrown. I'm so sick of these people who do nothing for our country but live here under a blanket of protection offered by our American soldiers, Firefighters, Police Officers and other members then have the balls to say something like this.

Edited by SSSmoke Eater (see edit history)
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:flag: i still can't help but cry when i see the movie about united flight 93. i remember waking up that morning in disbelief, and it still not hitting me until hours later...


if any of you remember the superbowl in 2002 when they did the memorial with all the name's of the people who died that horrible day, watching the list of names scroll down really made me cry it seemed like the list would never end... my thoughts and prayer's go out to all those affected.

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