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In Memoriam


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Something that really chapped my ass today was when they interviewed some stupid unpatriotic psychologist who says that America may be taking the whole 9/11 rememberance too far! If I was within distance of anyone who even MENTIONED the slightest thing about this being TOO MUCH, you can bet there would be some punches thrown. I'm so sick of these people who do nothing for our country but live here under a blanket of protection offered by our American soldiers, Firefighters, Police Officers and other members then have the balls to say something like this.


Hearing crap like that really ticks me off.....someone told me that there was a NY Times article of similar fashion. These critics like to run their mouths........i'd like to see them get out of bed at 3am to respond to a neighbors call for help, or better yet, pick up a gun and patrol our streets or protect our nation overseas. If ANYONE feels that remembering 3093 fellow citizens who perished that day is overbearing, go find a rock to crawl under. :mad:

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a guy i hired 6 monthes ago said to me today that he had 2 cousins that were in the towers he said he will never forget the day. he also has the twin towers tattood on his arm with the date and the names its sad it almost brought tears to my eyes when he told me. :flag: thanks 2 our troops and everyone that is doing their part to fight for our country.

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God i hate people like that. no ****ing pride, no respect, they deserve to die a slow death. i for sure would have thrown a punch, no matter who they were.


God bless America, and my thoughts and prayers STILL go out to all those whose lives were lost and their families. :flag::flag::flag:


i will never forget, WE will never forget

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As stated thoughts and prayers with all those who were lost, and their families. Thank you all who serve our country, and will continue to serve no matter what dumba$$ says it's nonsense. That day is still unreal I can only pray that it never happens to anyone again..... Thank god for the brave men and women that serve to make sure that it doesn't happen again not only in our country, but all the free nations in the world....



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On another note, I've been watching the news all day today and it reminds me of one of the resons I joined the fire service. Something that really chapped my ass today was when they interviewed some stupid unpatriotic psychologist who says that America may be taking the whole 9/11 rememberance too far! If I was within distance of anyone who even MENTIONED the slightest thing about this being TOO MUCH, you can bet there would be some punches thrown. I'm so sick of these people who do nothing for our country but live here under a blanket of protection offered by our American soldiers, Firefighters, Police Officers and other members then have the balls to say something like this.
:withstupid: That kind of thing pisses me off, too. The people that bitch about this country, the soldiers jobs, or whatever, are given the right to do so by the very people they're bitching about. Those people should think about that before they open their mouth.
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