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Wavy Cladding

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I bought my 03 SSS used and ive always noticed in the light the cladding is pretty wavy looking, My truck IS black so I know that dosent help matters any but I was just woundering how common this is and if there is anything I can do about it without spending thousands of $$

Yup, mine has it too. :(

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mine had it too. but i have almost had my whole truck repainted one time or another. the only panels that are still wavy are the bed side cladding in front of the rear wheels. the front were repainted when the truck caught on fire and the rears were just done with the roll pan remodeling.


you can fix it if you repaint but it takes some work.

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HAHAm my buddy told me after I brought mine home, Bro did you realize the body is all dented up...I said no..just another of GM's mistakes LOL. That bothers the shit outa me when people who dont know are like dude, your cladding is all dented. At the same time it also bothers me cause I'm so anal about my truck

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I need to find myself a really good body shop to have all the paneling re-aligned and straightened and painted... I want it too look like Pimp's but black...


BTW PimpSS: what process did your panels go through to get to look like that???

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