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Lebanon Valley '07 Pics


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Just remember for this week, stage shallow, stall up to 1500 (if time permits), and go on last yellow. Good luck and let us know how you do. Are you and Mark ( Hi Mark ) going on Wed. night?



Thank you. I will keep that in mind and will definitely let you know how I do. Yes, Mark and I are going this coming Wednesday. I know you are far, but if you were willing and able you should join us - or anyone else for that matter.


kaotik - I tried the stalling thing, and it actually made me a tenth of a second faster.

Edited by IH82W8 (see edit history)
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Im going this upcoming wednesday night, the last wednesday night test and tune, so ill try and get pics of any SSS or TBSS and their times. Usually on wednesday nights theres a 12.8 maroon TBSS that I always seen running. Seeya there!


Cool Im Ashley and I are going this wednesday so we will see you there. Mark It will be a good time

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I also want to give a HUGE thanks to Matt and Shuan for organizing this event. It was a great time and a great turnout. Too bad there were alot of last minute cancellations, but I'm sure there will be another before too long!


Thanks to Shuan for doing all the grilling and to everyone else who brought all the food!! I think I'm gonna be living off potato chips for quite some time. I think I ended up with 7 bags.


Mr. P, thanks so much for taking the time to come up and visit the guys and girls in the northeast. Wish we could have talked more, but maybe there will have to be a northeast invasion of Texas sometime in the not too distant future.


It was great to see some familiar faces and meet alot of new ones!!! I don't know if this will be it for '07, but if it is, I look forward to The Cape in the spring!!


And of course, thanks to Zane and Josh!!! Without you guys setting up this site, none of us would have met and had the ability to set up events like this (as well as our trucks)!


I'll end here, cuz I think I hear the Oscar music playing....

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Mr. P, thanks so much for taking the time to come up and visit the guys and girls in the northeast. Wish we could have talked more, but maybe there will have to be a northeast invasion of Texas sometime in the not too distant future.




I'll end here, cuz I think I hear the Oscar music playing....

C'mon down anytime.

Looks like a good time was had by all. Nice pics, too. :thumbs:

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I finally got home early this morning.


The Good -

* my own bed :sleep:

* my own shower :thumbs:

* a little New England sun looks good on me :cool:


The Bad -

* the goddamned TSA :mad:

* my own alarm clock :smash:

* still driving the Oldsmo-beater :sigh:


The Ugly -

* missing you guys & gals. :(


I am so glad I went; I am so bummed I could not stay longer. I want to thank everyone for such a warm reception, I so thoroughly enjoyed meeting and connecting, each and every one of you folks are great and I know that I have really made some lifelong friends. I also wanted to share that this is one of those memorable weekends I will never forget, I mean that. Especially the f'n ATM fiasco, I won't forget that for sure!


Keith - I really screwed the pooch and missed you :ughdance: I promise - there will be a next time!!!


Shuan - UPS will ship anything! hint hint. And share with your Brothers!


Dan - dude you're outta your f'n mind, you need Prozac :jester: Seriously don't ever change :thumbs:


Kevin - I am so glad to have met you; you and Danielle make the cutest couple


Jeff - you give the Red SSS owners a good name - I so want to buy a TIG welder now!!!


Hank - you're the best, thanks for sharing your truck; you can drive mine anytime - well when it's not on jackstands :rolleyes:


Alex - received your PM man, I've got my best man working on it! :D


Zane - nice to finally shake your hand and sign the banner, and your pics convinced to buy a Nikon. Damn am I really that tall?!


Cerbomark - so glad you got pics of the staging lanes, this was the largest SSS meet I have been to, at one point when we were in lane 2 (I think?) I counted 24 trucks :chevy:


Ashley - Buhhh-Bye :seeya::rollin:


I met so many people that honestly I was overwhelmed, I'm already loosing track of the names :ughdance: but you guys & gals can FOR SURE count me in next spring, and this time I will stay longer because I want to see more of you guys and the Chrysler building and Empire State building and Lady Liberty and ... god there is so much to see!!! I wish I was closer but y'all know my life is in Texas.


OH, and btw airplanes fly in BOTH directions :cheers: so know you're always welcome here if you ever feel the desire.


Mr. P. :)

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Shuan, tell Jim that I want a re-match next time out..... .05 is imprinted in my brain :eek:


Sure will, but JIM was the nice guy from CT in the Blue SSS, but Eric (TheWaterboy - Newly enrolled to the site) is my buddy that raced you in my truck. Yeah .. It must hurt to loose by such a close margin ... :crackup::rollin::crackup:


Mr. P ... You the Man!!!! - UPS ... You the Shipper!!!!

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Sure will, but JIM was the nice guy from CT in the Blue SSS, but Eric (TheWaterboy - Newly enrolled to the site) is my buddy that raced you in my truck. Yeah .. It must hurt to loose by such a close margin ... :crackup::rollin::crackup:


OMG, i'm sorry Shuan, I met so many people saturday, I can't remember everyones names :banghead::freak:

Yeah ERIC beat me by the tree, .7 light to a .8 light, I gotta work on my reaction times, they stink :fart:

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You're not the only one... My first RT was .503, then .613, then .608... I'm just not stomping at the end of the second light... we'd better have more of these meets so I can fix that!!!!

I was happy w/ my RT's, well most of them,(1st) .117,(2nd) .110,(3rd) damn red light (you guys know that Red goes w/ red :crackup: ) and the best was last,(4th) .055

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