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Jury Duty


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Of the several times I had to go, I was only picked for a case once. The day that it was to start, my mother-in law died. I was excused because of that. They still gave me "credit" for it, so I wouldn't have to go back (for 6 years I think).

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I got called out to Jury duty a year or so ago, but thank God they didn't call my number! However, with all the speeding and careless driving tickets I have gotten over the years and going to court to fight them, I have heard many interesting and funny cases. This whack job lady stating that this is ONLY her fifth assualt and battery charge, a young man giving minors alcohol, and then you have the people in the orange jump suits that I just can't help to not stare at. I remember this one case where a guy had a garbage bag in the bed of his truck, and he was on his way to dump it. He gets pulled over and the cop took the liberty to look inside the garbage bag and saw empty cans of beer. The cop gave the poor guy a ticket for carrying opened liquor! Thankfully the Judge let the guy go on that. Pretty unfair ticket IMO.


Have fun in court, Keith! :)

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gotta go tomorrow. anyone got any good stories/cases?? :smash:


I've got way too many Court cases to type about!!!!! :D


Last time I had Jury Duty, all the ADA's and even the Judge asked me, What am I doing here? I held up my jury notice, and they just shook their heads. Needless to say, I wasn't picked!!!!!

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well... I got another 3 years off. 4th time going, 4th time not picked. the jury pool was 250 or so. the court room I went it ended up with about 60 for a jury of 14. the numbers started at 81 and I was 165 (there were a few missing numbers). number 161 was the last one taken.


it was a medical negligence civil trial. a patient died of prostate cancer and was never given a PSA apparently. he was however undergoing treatment for another cancer he had. he was 68 and the family was suing his 3 doctors. it was gonna be a 6 day trial.

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if i get paid for work i try to get picked. its nice, last time i had to go was last year and it started at 10 am , lunch at 12-1:30 and return until 3:30 i loved it , not to mention i live close so i could go home for lunch. it was a boring civil case though. the water company tried to take this guys land, we made the water district give him the 14 mill his land was worth. lucky guy.

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