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Firefighter Training Mishaps


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I am guessing that these guys don't know the the signs of a flashover........


flashover & dumb firemen


I don't understand why they would enter that with flashover conditions especially since they are on the hose team, then not open up the line!! That is pretty bad especially during a fire prevention demo........ couchonfire.gif




How not to conduct live fire hands-on training............



I guess they used a little too much gasoline........thfire-1.gif




I can't explain this one...........



What was the point of going in when the room was about to flash? And why was the jask@ss standing up? I guess he'll never do that again..........Crutches.gif


Sorry guys, seeing this kind of stupidity on the fireground drives me insane, figured i'd share as food for thought fireman-1.gif

Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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That 1st video they showed us our very 1st day of Fire Academy and gave us the "Do You Still Want To Do This" The second one.. WOW, I have never seen that and HOLY SHIT that was bad. I heard form a LT at our Fire Academy that about 2 months ago a kid stood up in our flashover simulator and got 3rd degree on his back then passed out. BTW my Fire Academy is One of the Best in the Country and has a hiring rate of like 94%. Pretty good. Heres a link to it if you want to check it out. Anderson Cooper did an investigative report on Firefighting live from this location after the Carolina Warehouse Fire that killed those guys. http://www.coralspringsfireacademy.org/

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i Saw the second one to. I believe they never killed the gass off to the house and they left it open and when they lit it..All the vapors and everything else made it go Boom


Either that, or it was a meth house, or someone cleaned it with tons of amonia and bleach. Had to be just full of some type of explosive vapors... Either way, the first thing to learn from that one is IF SOMETHING SMELLS FUNNY, DON'T LIGHT IT!!! :rolleyes:

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Either that, or it was a meth house, or someone cleaned it with tons of amonia and bleach. Had to be just full of some type of explosive vapors... Either way, the first thing to learn from that one is IF SOMETHING SMELLS FUNNY, DON'T LIGHT IT!!! :rolleyes:

Man I bet the guy holding the flare got his bell rung...

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i Saw the second one to. I believe they never killed the gass off to the house and they left it open and when they lit it..All the vapors and everything else made it go Boom


It was an abandoned house, no utilities were on..........it had to have been an accelerant they poured......if you watch the video, as soon as the flare hits whatever they poured KABOOM!. If it was vapors or the like, it would have ignited when the flare was remotely in the area, not just when it was dropped on the ground. :fart: It seems that they most likely used a LOT of gasoline, definitely way too much.

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Guessing they used gasoline, or kerosene, either way, they allowed it to sit for too long, allowing the vapors of it to fill the house, where proper ventilation would have helped... but we never use accelerents, just flares and straw, works well, and has yet to explode. I said "had yet", cause I know some people who could make it....

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Gasonline, vapors, meth house etc........ You do not try to ignite something standing that close to the object :idiot: It doesn't take a frickin' rocket scientist to figure that out. Leave it to that dumbass fireman. But hey, it's not easy being stupid.


On the other hand, I have a lot of respect for those fireman who use their head :flag:

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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