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just read on some stuff on nostradmus. pretty interesting, he says that next year 2008-2012 will be the end of the world, war will start in iran , and nuclear weapons will be used, he also predicted 911, what do you guys think, it makes you wonder, tonite at 9'00 on history and sunday, at 9'00 at night , im going to watch im curious, my kid is only 11 makes you wonder

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what makes me wonder is that people believe that stuff in the first place. if it is mathematics based then i would tend to give it more credence but prophecies based purely on speculation just have no place for me.


I am not very religious, although I am Catholic and believe in God. I just can not believe this crap. The bible says something like that there will be seven years of peace before the end of the world, and we are no where near that right now in the world. As far as Nostradamus, lots of events that have happened in the world can be linked to prophecies, but what is real and what is libel? I just don't believe that God will punish us and test us with the devil or there will be an Armageddon before those who believe in God will be rewarded. IDK, I don't know much about this and am not real religious, but I just don't see this stuff as credible. I mean Nostradamus and his writings have already predicted the end of the world, it was supposed to end in 2000 if I remember. Now there is this "lost book" that was just found that predicts the end of the world again, I mean come on!

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i was watching something on tv tonight about the end of the world...i like watching shows like that ...anyway i am not very religious either...i get into debates with people all the time at work about the bible and stuff...sometime just to be an ass...but sometimes i get into a real conversation with them...i just have a problem with how people read the same bible and interpeted differently...but thats just me

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Im with Riviera. The end of the world is not going to be based on the Aztec Calendar or what not. We will go out two ways, nuclear war or an asteroid...or a methane burst from the bottom of the ocean etc etc etc.

There are some holdings to the biblical theories. Mostly having to do with people ashamed of being religious. But I am pretty big on science for the answer.


However, there is a distinction between the end of the world (existence) and the end of the world as we know it.


That could have some truth in it, whether it be war, water/energy shortage, economic depressions and power struggles etc. Meh, my parents raised my bro and sis during the cold war with the whole "world could end as soon as they pressed the button" so I am not too phased about it.

"read my quote on my sig"

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Would you like butter on your popcorn? Would you like to make that a large for 30 cents more?

Well...If I get the large...then I need a large coke...you guys do have coke right? Cause pepsi...pepsi just doesnt do it for me. I guess while we are it we can talk about industrial growth in developing countries and if breathing gives you cancer

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what makes me wonder is that people believe that stuff in the first place. if it is mathematics based then i would tend to give it more credence but prophecies based purely on speculation just have no place for me.

:withstupid: I don't believe it either, just like Y2K was supposed to happen, yeah right. People read to much into things and make mountains out of molehills. :shakehead:

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I dont belive in any of this bable either. The only thing that scares me, and Im sure some of you will agree atleast in part with this. Is that enough people belive in something, they will find a way to make it happen, ie end of the world crap.


A favorit quote i heard, but cant rememeber were or from who " the world will end not with a bang, but with a whimper"

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I am not very religious, although I am Catholic and believe in God. I just can not believe this crap. The bible says something like that there will be seven years of peace before the end of the world, and we are no where near that right now in the world. As far as Nostradamus, lots of events that have happened in the world can be linked to prophecies, but what is real and what is libel? I just don't believe that God will punish us and test us with the devil or there will be an Armageddon before those who believe in God will be rewarded. IDK, I don't know much about this and am not real religious, but I just don't see this stuff as credible. I mean Nostradamus and his writings have already predicted the end of the world, it was supposed to end in 2000 if I remember. Now there is this "lost book" that was just found that predicts the end of the world again, I mean come on!
He also predicted the end around 1986 with world wide famine, and people turning to canibalism. The end in a sea of anarchy, so to speak. Didn't quite happen. I am religeous, but I don't know the Bible well enough to figure out all the prphecies, and signs in the book of Revalations like some can. I do believe in the second coming of Christ, which no one knows, nor can predict, when that will happen. Which I believe Nostradomas has predicted the second coming, so he's a false prophet, imo. It makes for interesting reading/TV, but I don't put any real stock in it.
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:withstupid: I don't believe it either, just like Y2K was supposed to happen, yeah right. People read to much into things and make mountains out of molehills. :shakehead:

Dude the reason Y2K didn't happen is that a lot of hard work went into making sure it didn't happen. But I do agree that people panic, it's just what they do.


Mr. P.

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The only problem I have in believing Notradomus (sp?) is the fact that his predictions arent realized until something already happens. I mean how hard is it to see a tragedy and go back and look for something that remotley describes something he symbolicly mentioned and twist it and say he predicted it. My .02


I mean really ..I could have said 10 years ago that there would be a tragedy in America and that can mean a friend is killed in a car wreck or 9/11...thats always left up to interpretation excpet for one thing and that I'm no prophet just guessing.

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Dude the reason Y2K didn't happen is that a lot of hard work went into making sure it didn't happen. But I do agree that people panic, it's just what they do.


Mr. P.

We had people coming into the dealership asking about making sure their cars computer was Y2K compliant.
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