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New Mod Is Finally Done


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well after about 3 months in the making i got all my new pullies on. bye bye belt slip. i had ati make me a complete custom 8 rib pulley kit. lucky i had a set of the stock pullies laying around to send them for mock up. only pulley i kept was the waterpump pulley which will just perfectly work for an 8 rib.

i also got some carbon fiber covers made by art a.k.a. 12's rock and they came out very nice. he made the pcm cover and fuse box cover, also i will be adding the radiator cover.


the blower was also rebuilt recently due to some oil problems. not to mention throught in a new steering shaft while i was all dirty. changing the pullies is easy if you have the right tools.


since i had all the brackets and stuff off i deceided to have the water pump and alt/blower bracket polished, and all the bolts chromed.


i was lucky the only 8 rib belt i had fit perfectly , the next closest sizes are almost 2 inches longer or shorter. and when i run the smaller blower pulley i just change out an idler with a bigger diameter to make up for the belt slack.( i actually thought this one through)


well here are the pics













now to get the meth wired up and make an appointment for the dyno tune.

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