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It's Time For Me To Vent...

Tyler's Touch

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Hey guys, I know this isnt eharmony or an advice for life site, but I consider a lot of people on here helpful and very knowledgable, so here it goes.

To keep it short in the beginning, I had some issues with my parents splitting up, from what seemed to be to me a perfect relationship. So they split about 1yr ago for good, with my mother going to an apt, and my father moving an hour away. I stayed at my mothers for a while, but since I moved in she started seeing a guy, whos now promising her the world (dont we all lol.) It looks good to her obviously, but he brainwashed her into booting me out to my fathers because I was over 18...my sister is only 16. He probably figures that since a man is out of the house, that it will be easier to lead my mom into his life and eventually out of her kids life. So needless to say im now with my grandmother (fathers mother) an hour away from my job and mothers. I just lost the job due to slow work (limo company,) Im already 2 months behind on the truck payment, and only getting deeper each day. Most people would say well dont you have a family member to turn to? Well my issue is just that, I dont. My family as well as inlaws have been through hardships the last decade, and financially and emotionally drained. It all really happened when my father went through serious heart issues putting him out of work, once a year for the last 3 years. So, being a generous and loving son, I put up money for mortgage, bills etc. and still worked overtime to keep my truck and food on the table. Now hes just now getting back on his feet, with next to nothing in the bank, as do I. Through the midst of all the issues, I developed serious panic/anxiety. The panic was actually so bad I couldnt leave my home, and depended on large amounts of Xanax to keep me cool. So that is an ongoing struggle each day to go through. Now about a month ago, my hood flew up on my truck for no reason, it was def. latched tight. Now I had no insurance because i just couldnt afford it. So the new windshield and hood put me back even deeper-which shouldve gone to the truck payment, but it wasnt drivable to get to work, so i needed to fix it. Not even a week later, I was struck by a motorcycle in the right rear quarter panel and I was immediatlely stereotyped at the scene of the accident. A 45yr old man on a harley vs. a 20yr old (hotrod) kid driving with no hood on his truck...hmm (I still dont have insurance mind you.) In New Hampshire, if you are involved in an accident with personal injury (him,he ok) and dont have insurance you need to file an SR22. I get a letter 2 days ago from the state saying I need to settle with the guy, on some kind of agreement by both parties, or I lose my liscence and registration until the amount is paid in full, which is just over 6K with bike and hospital bills. So I appealed it, saying i dont beleive im at fault, to buy me more time of having a liscense, or until the lawyer can help me. People have told me to let the truck get repoed, which is NOT a good idea because of a lot of reasons, 1-my credit is under 400, 2-ill never get another vehicle financed for the next 5 years, 3, i love it way too much, and will never have this vehicle again for the price i paid...Guys I need a father/son advice reply or something...this is really the only place i could go....__________________

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At 20 years old you seem to have alot put on your plate. You seem to have bad luck following you around. You need to have a sit down with your mom or dad whom ever you trust more. They are your parents and IMO should listen to their son no matter the situation and if your moms new man is pushing her away from you all need to nip that in the butt right now. IMO that is a red flag of someone that may be abusive to your mother. Just keep in mind there are more important things in life than a nice truck. Its material and you can get another one later. You need to be thinking about your well being at the moment. You seem to be very mature for your age and I wish you the best of luck. My .02

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don't you just love life's little surprises? sorry to hear about your troubles man. only advice i can give is to keep your head up and set your priorities in order.. without that, you're headed towards a dead end. as far as the truck goes, like brad said, it's a material item and it can be replaced. you're only 20yrs old so there's plenty of time to purchase another one sometime in the future. if at all possible, try and fight that accident if you're sure you weren't at fault. if his insurance continues to haggle you, i'd suggest get a lawyer as soon as possible.



good luck man.

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really sorry for this to happen you man. i had a similar situation with the troubles with you and your mom but i handled it not in the best way. although my mom was a single mother of 3(at the time) but she went out with this guy who would be al nicey nice with you in front of your face but behind your back he would say all the total opposite of what he just said to you. well he started brain washing my mom into his believes and ways of HIS family and one day he didn't like somthing i did. i was angry at the time and he wanted to fight me. now given he was 40ish and i was 18 at the time and he has old-man-strenth on his side but i had it with him and his crap. we swong at eachother and i landed a couple body shots and walked away. but since that day he has respected me and my family alot more and my mom has seen him for who he really is. right now they are only together cause they had a kid. i am not saying that violence is going to solve it but you should talk to your mom. blood is thicker then water and no matter what happens between your mom and dad you should always have a good relationship with both. would anyone throw away a 20 year relationship for someone else who just came on the scene? i doubt it. and as xlr83sxs and brad said before the truck is material and can be replaced. sorry but i don't know much about insurance so i can't give you advice on that. i hope this helps you. KEEP YOUR CHIN UP AND HEAD HELD HIGH.

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At 20 years old you seem to have alot put on your plate. You seem to have bad luck following you around. You need to have a sit down with your mom or dad whom ever you trust more. They are your parents and IMO should listen to their son no matter the situation and if your moms new man is pushing her away from you all need to nip that in the butt right now. IMO that is a red flag of someone that may be abusive to your mother. Just keep in mind there are more important things in life than a nice truck. Its material and you can get another one later. You need to be thinking about your well being at the moment. You seem to be very mature for your age and I wish you the best of luck. My .02

:withstupid: Well said, you need to sit down and talk to your folks and put everything on the table. Don't let your Mom's new boyfriend ruin your relationship with her, stop it before it progresses. As far as the truck goes, let it go man. Like everyone said you can always get another one, family comes first and should be the priority here. Hang in there and remember we all have your back here on the forum. :chevy:

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Im already 2 months behind on the truck payment, and only getting deeper each day.


Now I had no insurance because i just couldnt afford it.


That doesn't even make sense. Since you are financed you have to have insurance. And if you think you have problems now. Wait until your finance company finds out that you have no insurance. They will insure it for you, and bill you for it, for as long as the truck is being financed. And I can bet that it is going to be twice the cost as if you just went out and got your own insurance.


I know you like your truck, but it is only a truck. If I where you I would get out of it before you get in a finacial burden over a truck that will cost you many $ for the next several years.

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hang in there man, I hate to see people go through this stuff at such a young age especially since you have been there for your parents all the time and how you said helping out with mortgage, bills and such? I wouldnt take it but thats just me. you may love the truck and all but it is just a truck and I'm sure everyone doesn't want to see you lose the truck over this but your well being and way of life is much more important than a truck. Maybe you should have a sit down with your mom and he new boyfriend and maybe duke it out. I don't take kindly to BS like that but people tell me I'm an **** so who knows. also as far as your accident to help you out on this accident and give you advise we need more info, from what i've read its not your fault, hes a fault and therefore you each should be responsible for repairing your vehicles since no one had insurance and such. sorry to hear all this damage to your vehicle and your life but your still young and stuff does happen. if you do let the truck go back you may or may not be able to a ss silverado again for a while but by the time your back up on your feet in a couple years or 5 years like you said there will be a badder chevy I'm sure. I can't pretent to know what your going through cuz I don't know but I do know that you'll bounce back better than before. Good Luck man my heart goes out to you :flag:

Edited by NashSS (see edit history)
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Thanks for taking the time to reply guys, I appreciate the advice very much! SSleepingbeauty- I had insurance for 2 months when i first bought the truck but let it lapse. The credit union whom the truck is financed through was never notified, and to this day they still believe im covered through allstate.

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It's just a matter of time. The insurance company will sooner or later notify your finance company and let them know your policy has lapsed. Like others have said you should really sit down with family members and seek help.


I would just hate to see a young mature responsible person of your age, starting out your long awaited future getting into financial troubles. At 20 years old you will have many more toys to enjoy if you take care of your immediate short term situation. Just have faith and do the right thing, and in the long run it will work out.


Wish you the best :cheers:

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I would think you could tell the guy on the bike, since we both dont have insurance, pay your own damages, or else flags will go up and your lending company is going to get both of you...not to mention if there are any tickets for driving w/o insurance.


I would go see your mom, talk to her, tell her how you need some help...and her new **** doesnt really have shiit to say, and if he does and protests her helping her children, then that will show his true character.


My mother passed some years ago and I still wish I could talk to her...dont lose that b/c some guy thinks you need to be on your own.


good luck, and I hate to say it lose the truck if it keeps throwing your credit score down the toilet., that way when you get back on your feet you will be able to by the new SSS, but if you dont pay,dont have insurance...they are going to take the truck and you will owe, if you sell the truck (the SSS has ok value) you might lose/brake even, but your credit score wont get you 20% rate the next time you buy something.


Keep your head up.

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