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The Ss And A Water Main Break


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Last week there was a water main break in front of my house, I didn't know about it till I got home after 7pm in the pitch black of the night. I was worried because my truck was parked in front of my house and the water and gas company had their trucks and backhoe next to and in back of my truck, so I was a nervous wreck. I even went out a couple times to see if there was a way to pull my truck out of the way, but there was no clear way to do this, so I just let it sit and kept watching things from a bedroom window.


Well anyways, the poor thing is dirty and was covered in mud from the construction people working on the water line in the street. So today I finally got to wash it and when I did, I found two deep scratches that go right into the bare metal.


Here is a pic of the nick into the metal, the pic makes it look like a chip but really it's two scratches



And here is a pic of all the construction (gas and water workers) around my truck:



It's hard to see, but you can see my truck in the bottom left of the image.


My question is, do you think I can get the gas/water company to look at this and get them to pay? I'm pretty sure they didn't hit my truck with any of there trucks, I think it was workers walking around and might of had something in their hands that they were carrying around and it hit my truck. There is no dent, but the scratches go right to the metal and I know this is going to rust.

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sorry to hear about the bad luck, but good luck with that.. we energies flooded my basement and even though it was their fault and we have proof it was their fault, they still haven't done anything about it 3 months later.


i had to pay a cleanup service, an electrician and a carpenter to fix all of the damage. we energies said they would pay for it, but i've seen nothing happen.. now they're telling me it wasn't their fault, call the city. :cry:

Edited by xlr82sxs (see edit history)
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i agree with xlr82sxs.... dont waste your time. sorry it happened, it does suck. but the same thing happened to me- twice. luckily it wasnt the SSS. first time, the city was picking up trash on bulk trash day with this neat claw-like hydraulic arm. unfortunately, they tried to pick up something far too heavy, and several hydraulic lines exploded; the heated, extremely oily fluid got ALL over the cobalt ss. most of that wouldnt come out, but the city just said not our problem, call our supervisor. i was told if i wanted reinbursement i could file a claim against the city and go to court.... which in the end would cost even more money. second time a water line burst, and well- you know that story all to well :banghead: that poor car lol

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Oh nice. So it sounds like I would be better off asking my dog to fix it then the water or gas company. I dont get why they didn't get my truck towed out of there since it was in the way, I would of rather that happened then it getting damaged.


I know this is going to rust. I think someone walking past smacked a pipe or tool of some type into the bed of my truck, the metal is all roughted up, feels like splinters sticking up, so it's just a matter of time till the rust kicks in.


Not sure if it's worth calling my insurance company or not, just to at least have it on file that this did happen.

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