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So I Get Pulled Over In Massachusetts

Tyler's Touch

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I am just going to sit here and have my hip waiters on... Sounds like it's getting deep to me.. Every officer I know bored or not, does not pull anyone over for no reason at all. You are also lucky the Blue line didn't get you a bigger ticket. To the best of my knowledge those are for officers ONLY..

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I am just going to sit here and have my hip waiters on... Sounds like it's getting deep to me.. Every officer I know bored or not, does not pull anyone over for no reason at all. You are also lucky the Blue line didn't get you a bigger ticket. To the best of my knowledge those are for officers ONLY..


I'd like to see the statute that addresses the thin blue line... 'Cause I don't think there is one. I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to toss the vehicle without owner's consent either.


I would forget calling the barracks. Put a call into internal affairs instead. FYI - if you're in the clear and they ask to toss your vehicle make sure a shift commander is present while the tossing occurs. If he's going to pull you over for B.S. then other shennanigans aren't out of the question either. As someone with Florida plates who's driven I-95 between Jacksonville and Virginia, I can tell you this is how you want to do it. 50% of the time said brown round wearing individual will forget all about the search or, the supervisor will show up and put a stop to it.


Now, before you tell me how much of a cop hater I am, let me tell you, I work for them and have for long enough to know. Most of 'em are great, it's just the 1% that you have to watch out for. I have talked to enough of the 1% while their guard was down to be concerned.

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I think everyone that drives around with their fog lights on should be beat down and given a ticket. It is illegal in every state. They are to be turned off at 500 ft to oncoming traffic and 200 ft from behind.


What is the point in driving around with them on when it isn't foggy anyways? To me, fog lights look queer unless they are used when its foggy out! :banghead:

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Ill argue the point of fog light use being illegal, it isnt. Especially in most states. IMO the more lights are better, especially for better visibility as you as a driver, also as theother person sees more light on the truck. My fog lights are actually considered driving lights, and put out only 37watts per bulb. They are pointed down far enough, and are close the ground enough, where as even the lowest ricer wont be blinded by them. Not only that, the Regency trucks come with these, and are tied into the ignition, and with a switch. i usually just leave the light swithc on because I can see better at night, peripheral view. heres a photo-they arent nearly as close as a dim headlight brightness-IMG_1497.jpg

As stated in Regency: Color-keyed front spoiler w/driving lights Front spoiler billet insert

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Sorry to hear, some cops are jerks who are power hungry douches.


I got pulled over a few weeks ago by a county sheriff in a local county park. The jerk had the car facing into a hillside not facing the road and he was standing outside of the car talking to someone. I see the jerk all the time and he's always giving me dirty looks and goes flying through the park roads, almost running people over. Hell, one time he was flying so fast that he almost his someone, the lady had to jump into a grassy area to escape. So when I pulled into the park entrance I seen the prick and revved the engine as I drove past since I hate the prick. Well about 1/3 mile down the road, he pulls me over SCREAMING at me at the top of his lungs saying he clocked me at 40mph and almost ran over some people walking their dog. I was so pissed and knew for a fact that I was NOT going 40mpr in a 15 that I was a real dick with him and was pushing his buttons. To make a long story short (he spent 13mins screaming at me) he gave me back my things and said he was letting me go this one time and the next time he sees my truck going just 1mph over the limit, that he was throwing the book at me and would have to attend traffic school. What BS!!!!


I'm sorry to say, but there are some cops who should not be out there.

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Were you just driving with fogs, or were your headlights on as well??? This slays me. I'm so sick of Taxachusettes with their rules. No fog lights in good weather, thats hilarious. I will never obey this. You should have told him that you represent the 603 and don't follow thems types of silly laws. Hey Tyler, how long have you had this truck? I'm surprised that I haven't seen you on 125.

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Were you just driving with fogs, or were your headlights on as well??? This slays me. I'm so sick of Taxachusettes with their rules. No fog lights in good weather, thats hilarious. I will never obey this. You should have told him that you represent the 603 and don't follow thems types of silly laws. Hey Tyler, how long have you had this truck? I'm surprised that I haven't seen you on 125.


Ive had the truck for about 2 years now, I just moved to Plaistow NH about 5 weeks ago, Im always on 125 poundin the streets around Plaistow. Yeah I did have my headlights on as well...

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Well I was going to suggest that he recognized your truck at the last minute and that's why he flipped a bitch, but you said you just moved into the area... I feel for ya, I was hazed by local PD constantly at one time. If you are squirling around a small town and you do something :dunno: in traffic to an off-duty cop like cut them off in traffic or jamming through the gears or are otherwise a gross offender then yes some of them will take every opportunity to make sure that you are .. lets say 'living a responsible life'. For some reason the guy had a real hard-on for you.


I mean let's be real - nobody gets frisked for just leaving their foglights on; something else is going on here. You got flat-out hazed IMO.


Your vehicle is just like your home in that you have the same right to privacy - an officer must have either probable cause -or- your permission to enter your vehicle, and from what you describe he didn't have that. He risked putting his job in jeopardy in removing you from the vehicle and searching you, as well as helping himself to the contents of your truck and reaching in and turning off the lights, I've never ever had that happen and it's just a small sign the guy had not even the respect he would give a total stranger; his behavior suggests that he was convinced that you probably needed to be arrested and he was just hoping to find an excuse inside the truck to cuff you - now that's my read on the situation given what you've described. The decent thing for him to have done is to ask or instruct you to turn off your own lights. It is very possible that he decided to exert his manliness on you after seeing the window sticker, but I think that he already had his mind made up about you when he decided to flip the lights on.


It is possible that you were maybe mistaken for another local troublemaker; for all you know there could be a black RST-driving crack dealing punk in your area who's had recent run-ins with the law. Also, if 2 or 3 fellow citizens have called 911 complaining about 'a black truck with a spoiler driving like a total wreckless azzhole blowing everyone off the road' then you can expect a bad day that way too because those calls are taken seriously and they will dispatch someone to hunt you down.


Point is this - you drive a high profile vehicle, one that stands out in traffic. That particular cop took it upon himself to sniff you out up close and personal (a little too personal from your description) and now he's had the opportunity to make up his mind that either you're ok or that for sure you are the punk he assumed you were. So you will either never see him again, or you are going to see him much more often.


If it happens again then I would assume the game/hazing is on and I would file a complaint and complete description of the incident with somebody, but I don't know who to suggest but I would consider going to another agency like the sherriff's department or county attorney/prosecutor or :confused: just to report it if nothing else.


Mr. P.

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Well I was going to suggest that he recognized your truck at the last minute and that's why he flipped a bitch, but you said you just moved into the area... I feel for ya, I was hazed by local PD constantly at one time. If you are squirling around a small town and you do something :dunno: in traffic to an off-duty cop like cut them off in traffic or jamming through the gears or are otherwise a gross offender then yes some of them will take every opportunity to make sure that you are .. lets say 'living a responsible life'. For some reason the guy had a real hard-on for you.


I mean let's be real - nobody gets frisked for just leaving their foglights on; something else is going on here. You got flat-out hazed IMO.


Your vehicle is just like your home in that you have the same right to privacy - an officer must have either probable cause -or- your permission to enter your vehicle, and from what you describe he didn't have that. He risked putting his job in jeopardy in removing you from the vehicle and searching you, as well as helping himself to the contents of your truck and reaching in and turning off the lights, I've never ever had that happen and it's just a small sign the guy had not even the respect he would give a total stranger; his behavior suggests that he was convinced that you probably needed to be arrested and he was just hoping to find an excuse inside the truck to cuff you - now that's my read on the situation given what you've described. The decent thing for him to have done is to ask or instruct you to turn off your own lights. It is very possible that he decided to exert his manliness on you after seeing the window sticker, but I think that he already had his mind made up about you when he decided to flip the lights on.


It is possible that you were maybe mistaken for another local troublemaker; for all you know there could be a black RST-driving crack dealing punk in your area who's had recent run-ins with the law. Also, if 2 or 3 fellow citizens have called 911 complaining about 'a black truck with a spoiler driving like a total wreckless azzhole blowing everyone off the road' then you can expect a bad day that way too because those calls are taken seriously and they will dispatch someone to hunt you down.


Point is this - you drive a high profile vehicle, one that stands out in traffic. That particular cop took it upon himself to sniff you out up close and personal (a little too personal from your description) and now he's had the opportunity to make up his mind that either you're ok or that for sure you are the punk he assumed you were. So you will either never see him again, or you are going to see him much more often.


If it happens again then I would assume the game/hazing is on and I would file a complaint and complete description of the incident with somebody, but I don't know who to suggest but I would consider going to another agency like the sherriff's department or county attorney/prosecutor or :confused: just to report it if nothing else.


Mr. P.



Very informative reply, and you were correct in every aspect. Its too bad I didnt get his name, plate or badge because of his overpowerful maglite glued to my eyes the whole time lol

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I would have said "What fog lights? Fog lights are YELLOW. I have my "driving lights on though...". I'm also guessing u don't own a Silverado SS just a Silverado (I own a GMC VHO and admire the SS's too), unless u added these "driving OR fog lights"?

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I would have said "What fog lights? Fog lights are YELLOW. I have my "driving lights on though...". I'm also guessing u don't own a Silverado SS just a Silverado (I own a GMC VHO and admire the SS's too), unless u added these "driving OR fog lights"?
RST. The Regency conversion.


I agree with what Steve said. Maybe he thought you were someone else, having a bad day, you hit a bump causing the light to glare in his eye, or whatever. I would blow it off this time, but if he hassles you again then it would be game on. I would then complain to his superiors.

Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)
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I think everyone that drives around with their fog lights on should be beat down and given a ticket. It is illegal in every state. They are to be turned off at 500 ft to oncoming traffic and 200 ft from behind.


That might be a little extreme. Nice scolding though.



Tyler, I give you a lot of credit. I probably would have gotten myself in trouble if i caught the same power trip.

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