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My Sunday Blizzard Pics


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As many know, the NE got nailed yesterday with snow. The local weather stations estimate we received around 13-16 inches of snow from early AM Sunday until late a night. It was still snowing when I went to bed at 11:30 PM. Needless to say, I was outside helping dad with snow removal, what a way to spend my X-Mas vacation! But here are some quick pics I snagged while I was outside:


This was around 10:30-11 AM







Our family dog- A Scottie "Malibu"



This was around 2:30-3 PM






No, the SS didn't come out to play. It was busy sleeping under the carport! :D Getting my new Dynatech's put on next week and then it is going in heated winter storage.



Edited by KissMySilvSS (see edit history)
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At least your truck was under a carport.



Mine was in my parking lot.



... Tell you what though, leave that windshield defroster at 90* full blast for about 45 mins, all your body panels will shed their snow, and the seats will be hotter than the seat heaters could ever get them!

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i love the snow and driving in it. it clearly shows what kind of drivers majority of ppl really are. i mean youll have idiots ok thats everywhere but then you have ppl that shouldnt be on the road cause they dont have the first idea on how to drive rather alone be in the snow.

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I love driving in it also, GF and I went to the dealership in the morning and got the plow truck out and drove around a bit, plowed the driveway, etc.



I guess this weather is just trying to tell me that I need another snowmobile!! Because I was outside all day just loving the weather! :D

Edited by KissMySilvSS (see edit history)
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... Tell you what though, leave that windshield defroster at 90* full blast for about 45 mins, all your body panels will shed their snow, and the seats will be hotter than the seat heaters could ever get them!


Good way to get a broken windshield ... if there are any chips or little cracks ... they will be spidered all of the window after that.

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Good way to get a broken windshield ... if there are any chips or little cracks ... they will be spidered all of the window after that.



Hasn't happened so far :fingersx:, in either case, I've got glass insurance and a dry place to park the truck if I need it :thumbs:

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