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What A Night


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I spent 4 hours in the E.R last night till 1am. Anyway I went to cut something with a razer blade and I missed and wound up cutting half of myiddle fingers nail off, cut open my index finger, had to get 7 stitches and somehow I cut a nerve in my index finger so now it has no felling :fume:

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sorry to hear, did the same to my thumb with some pruning loppers, my thumb has no feeling, its weird to grab hot stuff...it will touch anoth finger and be like oh thats hot!

at least you are not this guy who had his toe put on for his thumb

Edited by detjoe (see edit history)
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sorry to hear, did the same to my thumb with some pruning loppers, my thumb has no feeling, its weird to grab hot stuff...it will touch anoth finger and be like oh thats hot!

at least you are not this guy who had his toe put on for his thumb


Yea Its kinda weird not having feeling in my finger, Guess i gotta becarefull when i pick up hot stuff..lol


WOW!!! Remember its not across its all the way down the street, lol j/k


Lol..Im not EMO :crackup:


John wtf lol. How long was this after the mall?


Idk 2 hours, After i Dropped matt back home, i went to my g.f's house



Pictures. We want pictures!


lol..when im brave enough to take the bandage off you can have pics..lol


Sorry to hear, but it could have been worst.


Cut away from yourself next time, and what were you cutting?


I was cutting a stack of paper for my friend Izzy...

I lined the razer blade up against the ruler, and the blade poped up over the ruler, and ran down my fingers..bad luck I guess..IBut i think the whole block heard what was coming outta my mouth...lol

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