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Who Works Weekends


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Just as the subject says. :)


I got a promotion at work a couple weeks ago and my new job will be 4 10hr work days, would have three weekdays off (Mon,Tue,Wed) and work Thur - Sun. Of course I accepted the offer since it will pay more money and I would be doing some other tasks. I currently do phone support and email. I am at the point that I cant take dealing with phones anymore, people are rude SOB's when they call in and I'm sick and tired of it, been doing it for 6 1/2 years now. So my new position is just email support and server admin stuff.


So I was just curious to know how many of you all work weekends and have weekdays off and which do you prefer? What have you found to be positives and negatives?

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I work everything .... Weekends, Weekdays, and Holidays, ... I also work all shifts ... Days, Eves and Midnights.


We do work only a 6 day work week, 4 days on/2 days off. So my days off do rotate. I personally don't mind working weekends and having days off mid-week. You can get all of your errands done in really quick time. (due to everyone else usually has weekends off, no waiting in lines mid-week) But it does suck sometimes, especially when you have to continually use a vacatioin day, Comp Day, or Personal day, for a day off, so that you can go do something on the weekend. (Parties, gatherings, weddings)


It really isn't too bad. But it will take some time to get used to.

Edited by Stitches040 (see edit history)
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i recently had a job working 8-4 sat and sunday, in addition to my regular job, filling in for a friend as a bouncer/securtiy guard at a local brothel, it paid cash which was a good thing and the sights were good, no benefits though :banghead: after 3 weekends with no days off i was glad to be rid of that job. now i am on call every 5 weekends with my regular job. i dont want to do weekends anymore. but having a day off during the regular workweek would be good becuase some things you just cant do on the weekend.

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Keep in mind that this country is geared for a work week of m-f so most everything is based on that. I worked weekends in my early years of my career and for the most part really liked it. You don't have to contend with long lines, it's easy to make Dr/Dentist appointments, no long lines at the boat launch, etc. But on the flip side all of my family gatherings/reunions etc were always on weekends and there were many of them that I couldn't get time off to attend. Also if you have kids in school you'll be working when they are home. If you are single then you'll be limited as to what you can do on the weekends with your friends, you'll either be working or have to get up early for work, my son is dealing with this now.

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i like working the weekends. i can get more done, bank, shopping, Vegas :cheers: over the years i have spent more time working weekends than not. i don't know how i would handle M-F.

some years ago i was working 4-10s and THAT was the best, only had to put up with the boss 2x a week working F-M 0700-1700 did it for about 4 yrs.



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I work mainly Monday-Friday and its ok. I have this week off so I will beable to get somethings done that I would not normally get done on the weekends. Also like you have said things are not as crowded like the gym that I go to and there will be some hot mothers in there.

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the only time i work weekends is right after i work 5 8 hr days during the week and we need to fix a airplane and we usually there from anywhere 8-12 hrs on saturday and the same on sunday if we have to come in.

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Wow, more positives here about working weekends rather then full weekdays. I am still rather young and I'm single, so no girl/wife and no kids, so I will not be missing out on that. The only down things I can think of is not being able to stay out late on a Fri or Sat night with friends, but lately I have not really been going out, just staying home and saving my money. I also stopped drinking a few months ago because I've been putting in tons of time and energy into working out hard at the gym.


I think the positives of working weekends and two weekdays is that I'll have Mon, Tues and Wed off to do whatever I want. Stores of all kinds are less crowed and the parks are almost empty. I also like going to my gym in the late morning on weekdays, I can usually use anything I want with only about a dozen or so of others in the gym at the same time with me, rather then 30 or so when I would go at 5pm after work. The three week days off will also allow me to load up the dirtbike onto the SS and go riding this summer, which is something I never got to do last summer....FUN FUN FUN!!!!!! :D Plus I can spend three days enjoying the sun rather then 2 days.

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