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Hey Mr. P Did You See This?


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these sighting are getting more & more numerous. i am skeptical on the subject, but there are just too many good hearted, hard working people that swear to god they've seen what they have seen was true. to tell you the truth, i'm starting to believe all this mumbo jumbo. there is just too many sighting to say all of them are fake.

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I find it harder to believe that with billions of stars out there that we have the nerve to think that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. Pretty damn arrogant of us. That being said, I also believe that 99% of sightings are either mistaken manmade objects, optical illusions or downright lies. Just because I've never seen them doesn't mean they're not there. I believe in atoms, molecules and many other things that I have never seen. I'm open on UFO's, ghosts, life after death and many other things. Anything is possible.

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it was probably steve and ashley tearing up the streets in stephenville in the ss.. tell everyone to go home and be at ease.



haha very funny, brad :D I think what these people saw was the immense gas coming from Steven's a$$ and me lighting a match to it.

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WOW aliens protect the anal region steve against probing..lol

"I love to sing-a. About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a, I love to sing-a" :jester:


haha very funny, brad :D I think what these people saw was the immense gas coming from Steven's a$$ and me lighting a match to it.

That one's gonna cost you. :smash: He he he.


Mr. P. :)

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