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Hey Mr. P Did You See This?


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S-E-R-I-U-O-S-L-Y -??????


HOW CAN anyone DISPUTE the existence of UFO's?? are you going to tell me that in this vast universe WE, WEEEE, are they only intelligent forms of life... riiiiiiight...

I don't believe in extraterrestrial stalkers :jester: But I agree with you that we cannot possibly be alone in the multiverse. It is just my judgement that if an intelligent species does go to all the trouble to travel here they will also make contact, not just lurk in the skies.


Mr. P.

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that was ashley in the bathroom. after that dinner she made last night. LOL


LOL Wait til I see you this weekend; so I can spray you with the sink hose (side sprayer) again! hahahaha That was some funny sh!t lol :P:jester:


Ash honey, be careful. You're in oil country now. If some wildcatter down there discovers that you're a significant source of natural gas, you'll end up with a pump and a pipe up your a$$ faster than you can say, "Hey y'all, watch this!"



Shiiiiit if they're willing to pay me, I'm willing to pipe up and pump out! lol haha :P:jester: Oh yea, and I wouldn't say "Hey y'all, watch this!" I'd say "Hey yous guys, watch this!" lol :P

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LOL Wait til I see you this weekend; so I can spray you with the sink hose (side sprayer) again! hahahaha That was some funny sh!t lol :P:jester:

Shiiiiit if they're willing to pay me, I'm willing to pipe up and pump out! lol haha :P:jester: Oh yea, and I wouldn't say "Hey y'all, watch this!" I'd say "Hey yous guys, watch this!" lol :P



haha you said yous guys...


thats fine spray me with it....I'll go get the power washer HEHE

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S-E-R-I-U-O-S-L-Y -??????


HOW CAN anyone DISPUTE the existence of UFO's?? are you going to tell me that in this vast universe WE, WEEEE, are they only intelligent forms of life... riiiiiiight...


in all this,... someone GOT to be home :dunno:




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