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So My Truck Burned Up Tonight


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So I washed my truck tonight, drove it home and parked it in the garage. Talked to my parents for a bit and headed for bed. I was just getting my daily fix of SSS.com and my mom starts screaming my name and says "the house is on fire!!" I immediately call 911 and get the firefighters on their way. Then I realize my truck is in the garage, but decided since the smoke was coming from the garage, that getting it out was out of the question. So i sat and watched my garage/house burn with my truck in it until fire crews showed up and put out the fire. Luckily the blaze was contained to the garage, but smoke damage is throughout the house.


Snapped a couple pics of what is left of my truck, i'm still in shock. It all seems like a bad dream. My truck was running fine all the way home (14 miles) and everything seemed kosher when i parked it. I'm pretty sure the truck is what started the fire, but I'm not sure what on the truck started it.









what shit luck huh?! I guess the fact that nobody was hurt and the fire was somewhat contained are good, but it still leaves a sick feeling in my stomach. I had plans for the truck and was collecting parts for this summer. :sigh:

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:omg::cry: Sorry Cody, at least you and your family are okay.......the truck can be replaced and the house can be fixed. That looks like a typical engine compartment fire. Did you have a system and and other add on electrical goodies? Did you recently have any electrical or any other work done? Most vehicle fires are electrical in nature. Keep us updated. :chevy:
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Sorry about your truck.

Those photos are hard to look at, I feel sick to my stomach.


If you figure out what started it, please let us know.

That looks like what those blue oval guys were experiencing before a major recall.



man sorry to see and hear about your loss. :(

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