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Yeah I know the feeling, living in CA my whole life I never saw an ice storm until I moved to Stephenville and that first winter was brutal, one morning went out and found my Expedition coated with 1/4" ice and was walking around scratching my head as to how the hell do you open the door now - I wondered if I had moved to hell that winter LOL.


Mr. P.

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Yeah I know the feeling, living in CA my whole life I never saw an ice storm until I moved to Stephenville and that first winter was brutal, one morning went out and found my Expedition coated with 1/4" ice and was walking around scratching my head as to how the hell do you open the door now - I wondered if I had moved to hell that winter LOL.


Mr. P.

Is that what they mean by a "cold day in Hell" Steve? :)

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Is that what they mean by a "cold day in Hell" Steve? :)

:lol: Yeah I guess so. That one winter was a freak deal, the locals say a hard freeze like that happens about once every 10-12 years. Just to make you sick - it's been in the low 70's here for the last few days :P


Mr. P. :)

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