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Wtb: Ashtray Retainer


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Hey All

I just purchased an 2003 SS and requested an ashtray. The truck had a lighter but no ashtray. So he happend to have one in his file cabinet (Just the cup). I said what's to keep this in place? He said OH you just put it in a cup holder. I was ACK!! then I'm short a cup holder. He played dumb on the retainer.


While viewing members rides I noticed some seemed to have a holder (Retainer as GM calls it).


So I'm just seeing if anyone has one laying around or hangs out at the pick-a-parts (Junk yards) that they are willing to let go of / Sell?


I bought the SS on Sat. and it went back tonight so they would have it ready in the morning for a few items they promised to repair / replace. If I don't hear from anybody fairly quick, I'll just try to have him order me one at their cost.


I'm not going to try and push the issue to far beings they are making me 2 new keys and a new key fob. They only gave me one of each. (I'm sure the keys are not cheap) (Haven't searched that one yet LOL).


Thank for your time.



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Thanks for the find lerbud :cheers:  I've searched Ebay but not under "Cup Holder" I tried Silverado Ashtray, Ashtray Retainer. I'll follow that unless Porno Joe can hook me up :driving:


I have one thats never been used along with the ashtray. Pm me if you want it

Thanks for the offer Porno Joe. Pm sent. :ughdance:



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Any knowledgeable GM dealer should have one,i believe the '"retainer" acts as a cup holder also and is pretty expensive from what i remember.


Thanks for the reply kissfan03ss

Yes I did manage to find a part number for it online finally.


But Porno Joe Hooked Me Up!!  :cheers:



A deal has been made, Payment sent. I am no longer WTB:

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Shipped this out this morning.

Received today 2-19-08

That was pretty damn quick. Item was perfect!

Thank you!


@ Admin and or Mods..... Maybe there should be a "Feedback" for sellers. Like something under their Nick or something like I've seen on other fourms.


Until then.

Great Seller :cheers:


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here buddy, here's the forum section you're looking for.. member praise.

Well Hell!

Thanks xlr82sxs

Guess I've been to busy researching and making a shopping list to even notice that section. LOL


It would be cool to see some sort of "Feedback" or just amount of sales by the users Nick though eh.


Thanks man.



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