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Route 66 - The Original


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Hey All ...


Long story short, my buddy is coming out from Australia in September. It's been about 7 years since we've seen each other, and I think I want to meet him at LAX in California, rent a car and drive the Old Route 66. I oddly want to see the "Cadillac Ranch", along with all the scenery that goes along with the southwestern US.


So who has done it? How many days did you take driving it? Was it worth it/meet all your expectations? Can it be done in about 4-5 days?


It just seems like it would be a blast to do!!!! Any and all information would be great ....

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never driven it all . but they have a hugecar show every year here calle droute 66 in san bernardino.


its a long route and most of isnt all that interesting imo.


i think a cruise down pch would be cool too.

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Runs about 50' behind my house.

There is still a few nostalgic sections here in St Louis but not much exciting really.


Even Route 66 Hot Rods moved off the beaten path... wtf?


I would say the PCH is better by far.


If you are a St Louis / bi state local driving the great river road from alton to grafton is a nice stretch.

You can take multiple ferries across the river and terrorize some nice back roads on the back loop too. ;)

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I'm on old RT 66 every day (National Trails Highway) our shop is on the corner of it. the road Thur from Barstow to Needles is not to bad. you will have to get on I-40 east at the gate to MCLB Marine Corps Logistic Base, they DO NOT allow Thur traffic in any more. get off at the next exit which is NEBO, make a left at the stop, and it will be a clear shot to Needles CA. about 130 mi. :driving:

past Barstow, for places to see, http://www.calicotown.com/ about 5 mi north of National Trails Highway and A st in Daggett. IMO it is worth the trip if your into that kind of thing..

next spot is The World Famous :crackup:http://www.lppublishing.com/bagdadcafe/ made the movie of the same name there..if you stop there, :smash: DON'T EAT THE FOOD :smash: take my word on this, i work across the street, and the help there are a low life tweekers...

next stop is Ludlow, not much there. the cafe there across from the chevron station has nice food there. ALSO :smash: GET GAS :smash: the next gas is in Essex about 75 mi. or you can run out and call me, and we can bring out 2 gal for you, but we charge $195.00 prh. hr. to deliver it :D

Amboy will be the next stop, about 50 mi. east of Ludlow, i believe the population is about 30 people living there.. :lol:http://www.rt66roys.com/ is also at Amboy.

go east to Essex and you find I-40 to Needles


now if your going around Sept. the day time temps are anywhere from 105-118*+ Amboy is a lot hotter at night than most places still over 100* at 9pm. bring PLENTY of water with you. if you break down it can take a couple of hrs. to get someone out there. also cel phones SUCK out there, not good reception


so good luck on your trip, and while you drive in your A/C car, just think what it was like going Thur the Mojave desert in the 30s in a model T...




PS.. be careful of your speed, the road is very bumpy and pot holed...

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I don't have a whole lot to add. I drove it through Winslow AZ, just so I could say I did it. (I saw no "girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford".) I'd like to take time to see more of the interesting sections someday.

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Shuan, if it were 5-10 yrs ago, I would say let's take the SS's out for a cross country trip. someday I might head out on some part of Rt. 66. I've done part of the PCH and right now, that takes the cake.

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We tried doing it several years ago from Shamrock, TX. to Las Vegas, NM. Didn't work out too well, as most of the original road is where I40 runs. We did get to travel a little ofit, and it was pretty cool. There were some old restored gas stations from the 20s and 30s, and a couple of museums and diners.


You definitely have to see Cadillac Ranch. That's just cool.

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You need to call me. How much of the REAL southwest do you want to see? :lol: How many days do you have to travel? And do you need a tour guide? :jester:


Having lived almost everywhere through there, I can assure you that you are going to want to deviate from the Mother Road here and there.


Mr. P. :)

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