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Electric Actuators For Bed Lid

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Thanks guys. I will do some more googling but I can't find a place that sells it alone without the lid and I will pm Fast4Poppers to see what he say.



i got em, LOVE EM! they pull almost zero current. (3 amps draw max) have a lifting force of 500lbs peak and 110 continuous. I need you to measure your factory shock at full close position as well as full open and i will get you a price. these are made by dakota digital if you wanna look on their site.


as for latching tight. there is a little play when they are closed. its not like hasp tight but you cant open your tailgate either. PM me cause i will be stupid busy till tuesday of next week and might not get on here to chek the forums too much.



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:withstupid: I've got the same ones Chris has (except shorter throw) and will be doing some light fabrication tonight to get them on. Hopefully Chris can get us the power window toggle relays to make it a one button press/release type of operation instead of holding the button down. Just let me know what it costs Chris! ...and hurry up! Stop doing all of that work and get our stuff ordered! :jester:
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there is no power window mod needed. the great thing about DEI alarms is the outputs can be programmed for a shit load of options. including, timed. i have mine timed for 30 seconds and it works about perfect. one touch up and down and if i decide to not want it all the way up or down. i just hit the button again. takes about 10 mins to get yours programmed. let me know when you are ready.


as for work, lets just say, with a 36000$ home install in Ames, a 42000$ job downtown at Johnys hall of fame, a 48000$ job out in Montezuma and a "cheesy" 4800$ install down in St CHarles, all closing tomorrow, and roughly 12grand in my pocket i think know where my time will be spent. between that and gettin my truck ready for some extra things. i guess i just need a clone.


can you say, no truck payments REAL soon? hopefully it slows down, but i dont think so. sounds like i might be running 2 shops by July. driving between here and the quad cities weekly, not something i really want, but the money will be there, and so will the promotion options.


welp gotta run. gotta be on the road early.

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there is no power window mod needed. the great thing about DEI alarms is the outputs can be programmed for a shit load of options. including, timed. i have mine timed for 30 seconds and it works about perfect. one touch up and down and if i decide to not want it all the way up or down. i just hit the button again. takes about 10 mins to get yours programmed. let me know when you are ready.


as for work, lets just say, with a 36000$ home install in Ames, a 42000$ job downtown at Johnys hall of fame, a 48000$ job out in Montezuma and a "cheesy" 4800$ install down in St CHarles, all closing tomorrow, and roughly 12grand in my pocket i think know where my time will be spent. between that and gettin my truck ready for some extra things. i guess i just need a clone.


can you say, no truck payments REAL soon? hopefully it slows down, but i dont think so. sounds like i might be running 2 shops by July. driving between here and the quad cities weekly, not something i really want, but the money will be there, and so will the promotion options.


welp gotta run. gotta be on the road early.


<raises hand> Ohhhh, pick me, pick me! I'll be your clone! So when do I get my supercharger and suspension? :jester:


By the way, which button do I need to push for the operation until you can program it? Same one for up/down?

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<raises hand> Ohhhh, pick me, pick me! I'll be your clone! So when do I get my supercharger and suspension? :jester:


I believe he meant a clone to do his work not a clone to have a truck like his :idiot:

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