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Marines In Berkeley


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I thought this was one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time...






I guess I'll also take this topic (as to not make another :P ) to say, I have decided to join the Navy after this summer. I'm going to try and be a Corpsman with the Marine Corps. All males go through the training to be FMF (Fleet Marine Force) And most make it into the Marines, so it should not be too hard for me to get in.


I've always wanted to be in the military, but could never figure out where I wanted to place myself...(branch, job, etc...) I just have to finish this semester of college and work through the summer to try and pay off the truck before I go. Hopefully everything works out! I am very excited! :flag:

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Hey man, thats a very admirable job. I have looked into that field as well. I was all ready to join up USMC after fire academy and become a Crash Fire Rescue Specalist. Now I'm in Paramedics and as soon as I complete it I will be looking into reservist posistion of a corspman. Do you have any experience in the field...I'm sure it would help but if not, they'll train you according to their standards. Best of Luck to you man.

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I was in the same situation as you. I was set and ready to sign up for the Marines but I really wanted something in the med field. Only real experience I have is a few internships under some Doctors. But I seem to have a knack for medical things. Blood and other bodily things do not gross me out. But like you said I'm sure they will train me accordingly! A reserve position would be a good gig to go along with being in EMS. If you did it you would have to train to be with the Marines and probably put into a Marine division. But as far as being a corpsman goes, that would be the only way to go I think! :flag:

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BTW, I just watched that clip from the daily show and about fell outa my chair when he was acting as that hippie LOLOLOL. Also, I never would have though that reporter was a veteran of thr USMC. Total BS when those scumbags were outside protesting what marines fight for everyday. Thank God for our servicemen and women. Heres to our troops. :flag:

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lol yeah. I love the part where he says "If only there were an organization sworn to protect the right of free speech..." and that dumb girl says "yeah that would be great!" I laughed so damn hard...

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Wow when he was talking to those people i couldn't believe how ignorant and uneducated people can be. I swear people don't appriciate what we do for them and they only care about what they think they know and what will benefit them. Ive spent 5 years serving my country and going to finish out my enlistment before going guard...aka weekend warrior... I truly believe anybody that lives in America and has a problem with how America is running things should move the hell out. Sorry for that rant it makes me sick to my stomach when people say the military is a bad thing..



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