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Medical Procedure


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If this helps just one person, it's worth the post.


I went for a colonoscopy today. The prep for it, if anybody knows, is not fun. The procedure itself is pretty quick and painless, since they put you under.


They found, and removed some polyps, which over time can develop into cancer. I had been told that once I reached 40, I should get tested every 3 years, due to family history. My mom died of colon cancer when she was 55.


So, any of you out there, if you have any family history of colon cancer, get tested on a regular basis once you reach 40. It could help you live a longer healthier life. End of lecture.

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Went through that last November. The prep is decidedly unpleasant but as you said the procedure is no big deal. Didn't find anything unusal. No family history of cancer so I'm good for at least a few years. Guess we all have to go through it at least once. :wtf:

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A necessary evil of getting older as well as the prostate check. Yea, the "prep work" isn't fun either. If I remember correctly, you are allowed to have Orange Jello only, 2 days in advance (after the "evacuation" drugs). :uhoh:


Glad to hear all is well. :cheers:

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I'm sure I'll be getting this done when I hit 40, cancel seems to run in the family. My old PCP also told me to get my cholesterol(sp?) checked every 2 years. If you can get an internal medicine PCP get one. They know more than your avg Primary Care doc and that's who I use. Good deal Hank :cheers:

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A necessary evil of getting older as well as the prostate check.

now most times you can get a PSA (if i remember right) blood test for prostate check. keep track of your # and every year if they start going up, you know it's time. my dad gets free testing every year, and they caught hie early enough that they gust used some local cemo and meds and he is fine..at 83 :cheers: his younger brother was not so lucky. found his to late. he made it Thu, but had to be gutted like a fish to survive. so I'm looking at a 97% chance of getting it, and a 92% chance of dieing from if. it is hereditary. :banghead: .... so all of you GET YOUR A** checked out... :lol:


and you ladies ALL know what needs to be checked also.. :smash:



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Glad to hear everything went well. Yes the pains of getting older. I hit my PCP every other year for the old PSA test and the "tour". Not a pleasant procedure, but a must when you hit the big 40. I am 44 with no history of that, but my father did die of lung cancer from smoking all his life. No smokey for me, never have so I should be ok, but always good to get that regular check when you hit your older years. So you young guys out there, take care of yourselves.

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By the time you're my age, hopefully they'll have cures (or even better, prevention) for a lot of these diseases.



I hope so Hank. With the BIG push from all of the insurance companies and even the government for generic drugs the new blockbusters are dwindling. Generic pharmaceutical companies do not invest $$$ into development of NEW compounds (future drugs). At the current rate we will have very limited new drugs coming to market unless something is done. Something to think about next time the pharmacy gives you a generic drug. I have no problem paying an extra $15 for the brand name vs. generic. Phizer alone invests a minimum of 10% (10 billion dollars) of its revenue to the development of new treatments / compounds. I guess since I am in the Pharma industry this hits home.

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By the time you're my age, hopefully they'll have cures (or even better, prevention) for a lot of these diseases.


There are already ways to help "prevent" cancer. Consuming a 1/4 cup of ground flax seed can help prevent colon cancer. The oils in flax seed rids the colon and intestines of toxins that cause colon cancer. Do some researh on the health benefits of Flax Seed, its' definatly a super food.

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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