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Medical Procedure


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Thanks for the info....... :cheers: ..................I turn the big "40" on the 22nd of this month, and the thought never crossed my mind. I guess to show my ignorance on the subject, are there any symptoms a guy could keep an eye out for, or is it just one of those things that are undetectable until you actually have it "checked" out??

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I hope so Hank. With the BIG push from all of the insurance companies and even the government for generic drugs the new blockbusters are dwindling. Generic pharmaceutical companies do not invest $$$ into development of NEW compounds (future drugs). At the current rate we will have very limited new drugs coming to market unless something is done. Something to think about next time the pharmacy gives you a generic drug. I have no problem paying an extra $15 for the brand name vs. generic. Phizer alone invests a minimum of 10% (10 billion dollars) of its revenue to the development of new treatments / compounds. I guess since I am in the Pharma industry this hits home.


It's also a shame on how some doctors prescribe medications. It is absolutely rediculous on the amount of drugs that some doctors have people on. A couple come to mind as I am typing this. I have some co-workers that are on 10+ drugs for different 10 different "illnesses". There are LOTS of natural remedies that DO work. I believe most prescription medicine will kill a person in the long run. There is a time and place for synthetic drugs, but doctors abuse the power of being able to write prescriptions. No wonder why most people can't afford brand name drugs because their doctor has them on 10 different pills a day.



Just my opinion.

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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There are already ways to help "prevent" cancer. Consuming a 1/4 cup of ground flax seed can help prevent colon cancer. The oils in flax seed rids the colon and intestines of toxins that cause colon cancer. Do some researh on the health benefits of Flax Seed, its' definatly a super food.



Defenatly going to look into that, I really want to start taking better care of myself better.

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Wow, all us geezers are showing up for this thread :lol:

I had the ol "tour de sewer" done a couple years ago. Like he said, the preparation is the hard part.


It's also a shame on how some doctors prescribe medications. It is absolutely ridiculous on the amount of drugs that some doctors have people on. A couple come to mind as I am typing this. I have some co-workers that are on 10+ drugs for different 10 different "illnesses". There are LOTS of natural remedies that DO work. I believe most prescription medicine will kill a person in the long run. There is a time and place for synthetic drugs, but doctors abuse the power of being able to write prescriptions. No wonder why most people can't afford brand name drugs because their doctor has them on 10 different pills a day.


You are quite right, the medical industry is stuck in the loop of "got a problem, here is a pill for it". Prevention is the key, by making some healthy choices in your life you can avoid a lot of the problems people suffer/die from. Statistically, half of us will die from heart disease, but it is mostly preventable. Keep the weight down, cut the fat/cholesterol, don't smoke, don't drink a lot, and get some regular exercise and you can add many good years to your life.

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