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Joined The Navy Today.


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Congrats You will love every minute, even bootcamp. As someone said earlier bootcamp is mental. The NAVY is awesome. I am a Navy Brat and ex-AF reserve. I also want to thank you and all the other members of the Armed Forces. People like you allow us to live free.


THANKS and Enjoy !!!!!

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At least you are smart enough to join during the warmer months. I did boot camp at Great Lakes in February. Those 0000-0400 dumpster watches were a b*tch!


Thanks for your service.

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Congrats! Good choice. I spent 10 years in the Navy, learn all you can, help everyone you can, and above all be as careful as you can. Thanks for volunteering to support and protect the rest of us in these troubled times. I hope you have fair winds and following seas throughout your career.



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i think you are making a wise move, :cheers: and are lucky. some of us "old farts" here got the old Greetings From The president Of The United States...your a$$ is drafted.. :cry: even so, i still believe everyone should do there time in the military. :flag: Even for only 3 yrs. i was with a lot of good people who were only going to stay in 2-3 yrs. and found what they were looking for and lasted 20-25 yrs. of service..my dad, 3 uncles and my aunt were all Navy in WWW II :flag: all in the pacific. i joined the Army and I'm reminded all the time :idiot::lol:


good luck, and as my dad always said.. if it wasn't for the Navy, the Marines would have to walk everywhere... :D


here is a new desk top for you USS IOWA





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So like the title says, I joined the Navy today! My job will be Corpsman (a medic) I'm going to do everything possible to be FMF (Fleet Marine Force) Which means I will train with the Marines and be their medic in the field. I went to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) And got one of the last Corpsman positions available. My contract is under "National Call to Service" which means after all of my training I will be active duty for 15 months (god willing with the Marines) And then after that time I go reserve for 2 years. It seems like a pretty good deal, I want the experience but I don't want to be away from home for forever and a day. And on top of everything they gave me a $5,000 signing bonus. I'm leaving for boot camp on August 15th so I still have a while to get in shape and be ready to go! So anyways I just wanted to share my excitement! :flag:



Can you give me mor details on this? Are you going in full time for 4 years? do you have to spend 2 years over seas like they use to? I've been throwing around the idea of joining up and i'm getting old(32) but the navy age limit is 34. I thought about joining out of high school but got a full ride to play football in college. Back then I think people who joined with a college degree went in as officers, not sure. It's been a long time sinec I thought about the armed forces.

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SSThunder, I am starting this process with the NAVY Officer Candidate School Program. Look at the deal I am getting.


5yr commitment.


13 weeks at OCS to start.


Then I spend 1 year at Nuclear Engineering School in South Carolina.


The next 4yrs will be spent at a Naval base with either submarines or Aircraft Carriers with nuclear reactors.


It will be 1.5yrs before I am eligible to go to sea. Subs and Carriers stay out on cruise for six months. They give everyone 14-16months state side for additional training before you leave again. The way I figure it, I might go to sea for 3 cruises for a total of 18months. Everyone I talked to in the Navy said they are very good about living up to their deployment promises.


In addition to all that, I am getting a 15,000 signing bonus upon completion of OCS.


Starting pay grade would be as an ensign at around $42k/yr in total compensation with BAH. Looking at the pay grades, if I made captain by year 5, I could be making over $70k+ per year including total compensation like BAH, etc. Full benefits, put 20yrs in and get a real pension.


State side is a regular 9-5ish type job in 99% of the cases with 30days paid leave or vacation. Not to mention several discounts I will qualify for with many organizations.


Put Navy on any resume and get just about any job you want.


And last but not least, and not to get mushy, the most important part to me is that I will be doing something good with my life and make a difference in this country. I hate my job and hte industry I'm in. It is so crooked.

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Can you give me mor details on this? Are you going in full time for 4 years? do you have to spend 2 years over seas like they use to? I've been throwing around the idea of joining up and i'm getting old(32) but the navy age limit is 34. I thought about joining out of high school but got a full ride to play football in college. Back then I think people who joined with a college degree went in as officers, not sure. It's been a long time sinec I thought about the armed forces.



Here is a link of info that pretty much reads like my contract.




As for joining with a college degree I have no idea but i'm sure someone here can fill you in on that one.

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How did you get what looks like a great deal? I've got a BS degree in Computers. Wonder if the Navy will pay me pretty good?


SSThunder, I am starting this process with the NAVY Officer Candidate School Program. Look at the deal I am getting.


5yr commitment.


13 weeks at OCS to start.


Then I spend 1 year at Nuclear Engineering School in South Carolina.


The next 4yrs will be spent at a Naval base with either submarines or Aircraft Carriers with nuclear reactors.


It will be 1.5yrs before I am eligible to go to sea. Subs and Carriers stay out on cruise for six months. They give everyone 14-16months state side for additional training before you leave again. The way I figure it, I might go to sea for 3 cruises for a total of 18months. Everyone I talked to in the Navy said they are very good about living up to their deployment promises.


In addition to all that, I am getting a 15,000 signing bonus upon completion of OCS.


Starting pay grade would be as an ensign at around $42k/yr in total compensation with BAH. Looking at the pay grades, if I made captain by year 5, I could be making over $70k+ per year including total compensation like BAH, etc. Full benefits, put 20yrs in and get a real pension.


State side is a regular 9-5ish type job in 99% of the cases with 30days paid leave or vacation. Not to mention several discounts I will qualify for with many organizations.


Put Navy on any resume and get just about any job you want.


And last but not least, and not to get mushy, the most important part to me is that I will be doing something good with my life and make a difference in this country. I hate my job and hte industry I'm in. It is so crooked.

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The nuclear engineering program is offering the $15k bonus. They require that I have had 2 calculus courses and 2 calculus based physics courses, which I am sure you had to complete your CSE degree. The best part is the one year at nuke school counts towards my masters degree. They will pay for the rest of my masters degree which will be only 7 classes to complete my masters in engineering project management. 5yrs Navy service with a masters in engineering management? I can go anywhere and name my price.


Some other programs are offering signing bonus' as well. Like the SEALS is $30-40k or something, but thats not what I want to do as much fun as it would be.

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The nuclear engineering program is offering the $15k bonus. They require that I have had 2 calculus courses and 2 calculus based physics courses, which I am sure you had to complete your CSE degree. The best part is the one year at nuke school counts towards my masters degree. They will pay for the rest of my masters degree which will be only 7 classes to complete my masters in engineering project management. 5yrs Navy service with a masters in engineering management? I can go anywhere and name my price.


Some other programs are offering signing bonus' as well. Like the SEALS is $30-40k or something, but thats not what I want to do as much fun as it would be.


Navy seals sounds cool but who wants a 32 year old navy seal lol.

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