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Hmm.. Does Anyone Elses Life Blow?


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you need to take it easy with that booze man, a handle of capt is enough to give anyone alcohol poisening. i'd sleep on my stomach if i was you. wouldn't want to choke on your vomit in your sleep now would ya?

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A few questions... 1) Do you drink by yourself? 2) How often do you drink? 3) Is drinking affecting your life negativally, but yet you still drink?


If you answered to all questions, chances are you have a problem. PM me if so,

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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I don't drink that much anymore, but back in high school I could drink a fifth of Jim or JD. I drank for fun and not when things were bad. I'm at a low point in my life right now(divorce) but I'm not drinking. Drinking doesn't solve anything. If you drink to make your problems go away that won't happen. I hope you're not drinking to get away from your problems. Post here if you need any help with life problems. Lots of good people here to help you out. Lord know why I'm up this late. Probably because I slept till 2:00 PM today lol. My schedule is all messed up these days thanks to working from home.

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There is always something to do besides drinking...you need a hobby or a sport man. Trust me life can be much worse then monotony, and if you get blasted for no reason when the shit hits the fan it would be much worse.


Listen to SSsilv

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There is always something to do besides drinking...you need a hobby or a sport man. Trust me life can be much worse then monotony, and if you get blasted for no reason when the shit hits the fan it would be much worse.


Listen to SSsilv


I don't drink alcohol- so technically I can drink a LOT before I can't drink anymore :) Seriously though- It's nice to see everyone so concerned and worried... Even if it's not necessary. Awesome group of people!

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sounds to me like you may have a drinking problem. You need to get help if your drinking to access like that at only 20 your heading for a rude awakening IMO. I dont drink at all its just not worth the chance to make a mistake.

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Ha.. I was fine in a sense when I wrote this but the title makes it seem like I'm drinking to mask something which I know doesn't work it makes things worse, I had a great time last night laughing I wasn't in a dark corner. And No I was drinking with about 7 of my friends but only like 3 were drinking. As it the title "does your life blow" it's more of a sense where I live there honestly is nothing else to do.. it's a small city of nothing, when people here turn 21 they just go to the bars every weekend.. I know people up to 25 and above who just do that. But that's everywhere. I've puked in my bed 3 times(not last night but over a course of a year), the only time I've ever puked. But I woke up and did it, just couldn't move anywhere else to disperse it and thats because I drank a liter of JD or something. I'd never drive anything after 4 beers, I did when younger and I learned my lesson from almost rolling my SUV because 6 inches of snow fell and at 3am in the morning no one plows the roads so fish tailing for 100ft+ is no fun, so anyways. Thanks for the 'concern' but this isn't what this posts for, it actually shouldn't have been posted not sure why I did so I'll debate on whether or not I delete it. Ha..

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