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Jimmi Jammer


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Sup guys, well my truck almost got broken into today, I went to the gym and come back noticing that my handle was broken. Well as soon as I got home, I went online and started looking up some anti-theft devices, and saw this Jimmi Jammer, and was wondering if any of you guys have this product, and if it works. My truck is in my signature, atleast my truck gave them a hell of a fight.


Jimmi Jammer

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thieves will adapt to whatever anti theft device you have. wedge, and hook or even a brick if desperate enough. are you 100% they used a jimmy?



if the thieve(s) are smart enough and have been doing it for a while they will find a way to get pass it. my truck got broken into a couple months ago. i put in an after market alarm after it happened but i know its not enough so i went old school and chained down my hood so if they going to disable the horn or anything from going off the hood will only go up so far.

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Well like everyone else says THEY WILL ADAPT TO ANYTHING IF THEIR DESPERATE ENOUGH! after getting my truck stolen i decided to go a different route, i installed two different kill swithces so if they figure one out they wont know what the fuk is going on! One thing that is inevitable is they will get in your truck! but whether they take it or not is still something you can have an effect on, although to take a truck they wont even need to get in it, anybody can just roll up with a tow truck and take it!

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the jimmi jammer will only slow them down a little, if they know what there doing. using a slim jim on doors is very old school. most newer vehicles have them built into the doors now. from experience, GM trucks are the easiest vehicles to get into, takes me about 30 sec. to get in with no damage at all...best thing is a kill switch somewhere or keep full coverage on all the high tec sound system that they can see Thur the window when they walk by screaming out, HAY, LOOK AT ME...steal me.. :smash:



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if the thieve(s) are smart enough and have been doing it for a while they will find a way to get pass it. my truck got broken into a couple months ago. i put in an after market alarm after it happened but i know its not enough so i went old school and chained down my hood so if they going to disable the horn or anything from going off the hood will only go up so far.


oo thast what that thing was for hanging from your hood! i remember seeing you do something with it at the meet when u put ur hood down. i was confused :-\ now it all makes sense! good idea!

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As you guys know mexico city is notorios for car jackings and such well there is a company over there making an anti theft system that if you get car jacked once the door opens the car will shut off in a minute unless you touch two metal screws located in strategic places where ever you want. I guess that you conduct electricity from one hand to another and deactiveate it well this alarm also works while your car is off if they go and steal it, it will run for one minute and then boom everthing off but I guess if they really want you auto they can always tow it.

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As you guys know mexico city is notorios for car jackings and such well there is a company over there making an anti theft system that if you get car jacked once the door opens the car will shut off in a minute unless you touch two metal screws located in strategic places where ever you want. I guess that you conduct electricity from one hand to another and deactiveate it well this alarm also works while your car is off if they go and steal it, it will run for one minute and then boom everthing off but I guess if they really want you auto they can always tow it.

Back in my oil change shop days we had a taxi that came in that you had to hold a magnet to a spot on dash or it would not start.

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Back in my oil change shop days we had a taxi that came in that you had to hold a magnet to a spot on dash or it would not start.


got that system in my R.V...



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