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Got Pulled Over By The Po-po


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we all do dump stuff.... trust meee.. had a few of those myself....your best bet is to FIGHTTT IT!!!! i dont care what anyone says.. u have nothing to loose.. every ticket i have found i have one or atleast got it reduced.. if u have a connection to a laywer now is the time to call him .. and being its your first ticket.. if u appolize and tell them u relize u made a mistake and wont do it again there will probly reduce it or u never know the cop might not show..u have nothing to lose by fighting it!!

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u have nothing to lose by fighting it!!

true, but i would find out first what you are facing from a good lawyer. you are lucky, here reckless, careless driving, and he could of gotten you for speed also. was this in the school zone? or other road?..being 17 yrs old your driving privileges in CA could/would be revoked up to your 21, depending on the judge..


good luck



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I'll spare you the lecture and get straight to the advice, and I'm dead serious on this one - call Ms. IH82W8 and get the name of their family attorney


LOL Steve, you've had your fair share of tickets in your time! Countless in fact! haha...and I know because you told me hehe :jester::P:lol:




Yeah ... What Mr.P. said ... LOL


I think my family attorney is wiped out this year from careless driving and speeding tickets. :jester: Someone wore him out :lol:

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Ok on a serious note, Niko...careless driving is 2pts. (I know this from experience since I've gotten two careless driving tickets before) You can in fact go to court and fight it down to no points on your license, but you are going to pay HUGE fines - like 500 or 600 dollars worth. Also, if you were to get another ticket that carries points, you would be able to fight that one as well down to a no pointer but that's the max. You cannot fight a ticket more than twice down to no points - or else you get slammed with double the amount of points. I guess NJ doesn't want people taking advantage of fighting tickets down to no points all the time. Anyways....I would get an attorney, go to court and fight the ticket, and then pay the fines (pending you have the funds) - this way you won't have any points on your license.

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LOL Steve, you've had your fair share of tickets in your time! Countless in fact! haha...and I know because you told me hehe :jester::P:lol: ...
Well hell if you'd asked I'd have opened my filing cabinet and showed you :uhoh: And trust me I know a gross offended when I see one :lol:


Mr. P. :)

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Ok on a serious note, Niko...careless driving is 2pts. (I know this from experience since I've gotten two careless driving tickets before) You can in fact go to court and fight it down to no points on your license, but you are going to pay HUGE fines - like 500 or 600 dollars worth. Also, if you were to get another ticket that carries points, you would be able to fight that one as well down to a no pointer but that's the max. You cannot fight a ticket more than twice down to no points - or else you get slammed with double the amount of points. I guess NJ doesn't want people taking advantage of fighting tickets down to no points all the time. Anyways....I would get an attorney, go to court and fight the ticket, and then pay the fines (pending you have the funds) - this way you won't have any points on your license.


Today I spoke to a friend of mine whos dad is a cop on my town. He told me 2 things, one is that the road I did this on had no double yellow lines so he said that means I could pass but I'm not sure about that one. Second he said I could get my friend to go in court and say he pulled over to the side of the road and let me pass him up. Remember this is from a kid I know so I dont beleive any of it yet. I'm going to give my half sisters father a call he was a lutentant in Passaic county and I'm going to see what he tells me. I will keep you guys updated. And to Krambo, no it was not a county cop it was a local cop.

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true, but i would find out first what you are facing from a good lawyer. you are lucky, here reckless, careless driving, and he could of gotten you for speed also. was this in the school zone? or other road?..being 17 yrs old your driving privileges in CA could/would be revoked up to your 21, depending on the judge..


good luck




He didn't get me for speed because it doesn't say on the ticket and my radar did not go off witch means he didn't have his on. And sadley yea it is in a school zone, it was litterally a block away from the front of my school.

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I could get my friend to go in court and say he pulled over to the side of the road and let me pass him up.


making a false statement in court??? :idiot: Bubba :wub: young boys..

you know what YOU really need is to talk with a lawyer, and not some kids hear say from another 17 year old..





He didn't get me for speed because it doesn't say on the ticket and my radar did not go off witch means he didn't have his on. And sadly yea it is in a school zone, it was literally a block away from the front of my school.




well, I'm not a cop. but i sure can tell when someone is going over 15 mph in a school zone with out radar.. did you pass on the left side or right side of him??


my last advice on this..IF you pull stupid stunts like this again, REMEMBER ALWAYS clear the rear before you do. :smash: that cop was right behind you if you would of looked, you might of seen him and we would not be talking like this.. :crackup:



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Well hell if you'd asked I'd have opened my filing cabinet and showed you :uhoh: And trust me I know a gross offended when I see one :lol:


Mr. P. :)



There was no need for you to *show* me - you've told me many stories. Besides, I was only teasing you :uhoh: .



Niko, you really should contact an attorney to help you settle this the best way you can. Don't involve your cronies. :)

Edited by IH82W8 (see edit history)
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making a false statement in court??? :idiot: Bubba :wub: young boys..

you know what YOU really need is to talk with a lawyer, and not some kids hear say from another 17 year old..





He didn't get me for speed because it doesn't say on the ticket and my radar did not go off witch means he didn't have his on. And sadly yea it is in a school zone, it was literally a block away from the front of my school.




well, I'm not a cop. but i sure can tell when someone is going over 15 mph in a school zone with out radar.. did you pass on the left side or right side of him??


my last advice on this..IF you pull stupid stunts like this again, REMEMBER ALWAYS clear the rear before you do. :smash: that cop was right behind you if you would of looked, you might of seen him and we would not be talking like this.. :crackup:





The cop was not behind me. He was hiding behind a line of bushes where I couldn't see him.

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Ok so I went to the police station to find out when my court date is because it wasn't visable on the ticket. The cop told me that I could pleade guilty to the charges and then they would take the points away and make me pay a fine witch is what I'm going to do. My court date is April 22, and for who ever is wondering how many points it is it's 2.

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Update - I just got back from court and all went well. The prosecuter gave me unsafe driving instead of careless driving witch is no points and I had to pay a fine of $336 witch is alot less than I figured.

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