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Anyone Feel The Midwest Earthquake This Morning?


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I'm a pretty light sleeper, so it must not have shaken Iowa to hard, but people were freaking out about it this morning saying that they felt it here in Des Moines freaking Iowa... I didn't know a moderate 5.4 would travel so far. I'm just pissed I missed it. :mad:

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Pissed you missed it huh? Have one rock your house and I am sure you will think different.


I'm sure I would too if it were "the big one", but this is the first time it's happened since I've been alive (that I know of at least) and I missed it.

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Im an electrition for wal-mart remodels and we decided not to work lastnight so I was just laying around the hotel Ive been staying at south of Nashville and felt it. As long as it was I thought I was feeling stuff, then a hour later it was a headline on the news.

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I felt it at about 4:30 this morning,sorry about that guys,the wife was horny :jester:



seriously though I did feel it,it felt like a deep bass note and lasted longer than I expected,seemed like a couple min but I'm sure it wasn't that long.I wsn't real close to it but I knew it was something,and wen I checked cnn I found out it was a quake.

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I'm in MO and I didn't notice it. What time was it at?

Yea I've been through a few in the Cali days. Sylmar, Whitter were the two biggest ones I can remember.

Nothing like making a one hop over to the door jamb and stand there hearing sh*t falling out of your cabinets, well some of them. One may empty all contents and another may not even move a dish or whatever.


I prefer Earthquakes over Tornados or Hurricanes.

Quakes are wham bam here I am with the other you have that waiting period as to if your going to lose all your chit or not.

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I prefer Earthquakes over Tornados or Hurricanes.

Quakes are wham bam here I am with the other you have that waiting period as to if your going to lose all your chit or not.


:withstupid: I hear ya Bro. I just had my first experience with tremors here in Guam last month. Kinda scary as you don't have any warning they are coming. I rode out Katrina, and I'll tell ya its not something I'll do again. Almost three years now and we're still not done fixing the house. :banghead:



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I prefer Earthquakes over Tornados or Hurricanes.

Quakes are wham bam here I am with the other you have that waiting period as to if your going to lose all your chit or not.


I'll take earthquakes any day. when we were having all the quakes out here in the 90s after a while you knew how big it was by the feel, and you would say, it's a 4.5, and just roll over and go back to sleep :lol: i feel that a earthquake still dose less damage over all..



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