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Omfg One Thing After Another!


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Sounds like me last weekend going to a buddies lakehouse,left the house picked up my friends and hed up on the way i get pulled over by a statie to find my speedo 10mph off(ticket reduced to def. instr. cluster),when i get there i realized i for my sleeping bag,toothbrush etc.the next day we head home i finally make it back to my buddies on fumes only to hear a hissing noise which turns out to be a hole in my tire courtesy of a nail i ran over and got pulled out so now i high tail it to the local garage and luckily the were able to repair it,so now i am a block from my house thinking nothing else could possibly right..wrong as i am pulling into my driveway out of the corner of my eye i see something flying toward my truck next thing you know one of the birds flies right in my driverside window hits the pass. window and tries to get out through the windshield,so now its just flying around the pass side dash/window area crapping all over my dash,it finally got out but now i had some bird poop to clean.


Sorry to haer of your bad day but youre not the only one who gets em some get them worse than others hopefully your downswing turns up soon. :thumbs:

wuh that feels good to get off my chest.

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Your Main Problem is your in ALASKA!!


We Have VERY $hitty mechanices up here, @ least 80% are "Shade Tree" at best.


So Because they cant diag, or operate Basic Tools, they Hold the Customer responsible to supply them with endless parts tell they get it fixed.


Try having trans work done or any diag.!


When I first blew my truck under Warrenty, I told them what was wrong and I had no Signal from the crank sensor.


LITHIA Had there tech, call me personally asking for $250 to put plugs into this thing to get it running.


Then Proceeded to tell me how the plugs being fowled are whacking out the EGR system.


ADRENALINE shot through my Vanes as I told him to show me the F-ing EGR valve! :fume:


then they voided my warrenty and held my truck hostage for $1300 in Diag fee's :noway:




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yeah i know stuff happens to everyone.. but all at one time? haha oh well i'm over it. I got the new shocks on order so now i'm just focused on getting those in and i'm pretty sure i'll be done spending money on the truck for a while.. or will i? haha thanks fellas

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