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Drag Racers ?

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hello all id just like the opinions of the ones that race or have been around racing for awhile ....ok i dont really like the deal at our track but they have buybacks for first round loosers. the rule has always been if you loose first round for a certin price you can buy your way back in. you can only race for the money not points. well this Saturday was our first points race and they announced during intermishion they were having buybacks after first round. well my luck i red lit and broke out first round and my class was the first one called to the lanes. after i ran i loaded up and headded for home. about half way through the next class first round they announced that if you bought back you would still recieve points. just like you were never elimated........does anyone else see anything wrong with this idea? i dont like the buyback deal and am really against the gainning points after buying back....to me thats just not racing anymore. i think your supposed to take the loss as well as a win you earn them not buy them ?????? sorry had to rant about this Dale........

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i wouldnt be to happy about it, thats for sure. But I agree with you, a loss is a loss, and a win is a win and you earn them just the same. Im not real sure I like the buyback idea either. Whats the point in beating a guy if he can just buy his way back in like he never lost and STILL gain something out of it? If its just for money then thats a little more understandable but for points? :nono: that would just make racing and eliminations pointless to me.

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We see a lot of the same thing in Team Roping; a lot of producers allow the cowboys to buy back their first run, they do it of course to make more money on the event, it's a way of artificially getting more paid entries. Except in Team Roping the buy-backs are customarily half-price. And yes the buy-back entries are no different, ropers still get prize money, points, prizes, etc.


When you have multiple entries in an event, it allows those contestants with some advantage to multiply it; it doesn't matter if I personally entered 20-times because I can't race worth chit lol :happysad: but if someone else with a real advantage were able to enter twice what I could then they can leverage that to their advantage.


Mr. P.

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