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That is the most ridiculous thing i have every seen.... No wonder kids are bringing guns to school these days...they are basically comparing guns to gas.


No Offense but you have no idea what you are talking about.

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Well 250 bucks in gas wouldn't do much for us SS drivers. I would go through that in about a month maybe a little bit more but I would probably opt for the gun for protection/fun to go shooting at the range.

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Its just a gimmick to get customers, only this time it happens to be a gun. Its probably some small town where everyone already has one- whats the big deal... I remember seeing on the news that a bank somewhere was giving out free rilfes for people that opened a checking account there. Its a pretty good idea, Id rather have a gun than a free blender or

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Thats just down the road from me(kansas city area) and they were interviewing the owner on the radio and he said well since gas prices have gone crazy, there are more and more car jackings, robberies and people just stealing gas. So its either give some one the extra fuel or something to protect them.


I think its a great idea. This past sunday during the day I had my F250 broken into and had about $1700 worth of stuff taken out of the console. I was talking to the cop and he said crime rate has gone crazy here lately. most of his calls deal with robberys or vandalism. He said they dont wright many speeding tickets any more cause they just dont have time.

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No Offense but you have no idea what you are talking about.

How can it be comparing guns to gas. Please.. If the teachers had guns little kids would not bring them to school.


Guns don't kill people. People do.


This is a plain and simple fact.




I am a licensed gun dealer. I pick and choose what guns I sell and to whom I sell them. Anyone that buys a gun from me has to go through an FBI background check.


If someone was stalking Wodys girl would you want her to have a gun to protect herself.


I am not trying to start a fight or argument. Hitler took the Jews guns from them before he rounded them all up. We need guns to protect ourselves from people like that. When Australia banned guns guess what happened.

Then only criminals had guns. The crime rate soared.

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