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so i was watching some videos on Youtube, and i saw some Seafoam videos where i guess it cleans out your engine and all the carbon deposits and so on...does it really work? has anyone on here tried it? will it harm your engine in anyway after you use it>? wat do you guys think


Seafoam is for old camrys and hondas lol..dont use that stuff on your truck..its bad stuff. Seafoamin ur car what you do if your lazy and you dont want to do a proper cleanup..plus its meant for really old friggin ferd countours and stuff. Stuff with a lotta carbon buildup..Your truck wouldnt have enough to be effective. It would harm it more than it helps

Seafoam is for old camrys and hondas lol..dont use that stuff on your truck..its bad stuff. Seafoamin ur car what you do if your lazy and you dont want to do a proper cleanup..plus its meant for really old friggin ferd countours and stuff. Stuff with a lotta carbon buildup..Your truck wouldnt have enough to be effective. It would harm it more than it helps



It is true that seafoam works well on old motors, as it's designed to. I know that myself and many others on this form swear by seafoam (do a simple search and it will confirm that).


Seafoam is what I consider to be easily to best system cleaner out there. It is above and beyond the gas treatment additives that you buy to clean out injectors, fuel lines, etc.


I use a can of seafoam every 20th tank of gas. In no way will seafoam harm your motor (unless you use a very high concentration of it). I would not recommend taking your air tube off and pouring it down your Tb, but if you've never used it before and have decent mileage on your truck then I would recommend it being used through the brake booster vacuum line and of course in the gas tank.


It is a very quality product and I highly recommend it.

Posted (edited)
MISINFORMATON!!! (Its suppost to be spelled "misinformatIon" -Smoke)

It is true that seafoam works well on old motors, as it's designed to. I know that myself and many others on this form swear by seafoam (do a simple search and it will confirm that).


Seafoam is what I consider to be easily to best system cleaner out there. It is above and beyond the gas treatment additives that you buy to clean out injectors, fuel lines, etc.


I use a can of seafoam every 20th tank of gas. In no way will seafoam harm your motor (unless you use a very high concentration of it). I would not recommend taking your air tube off and pouring it down your Tb, but if you've never used it before and have decent mileage on your truck then I would recommend it being used through the brake booster vacuum line and of course in the gas tank.


It is a very quality product and I highly recommend it.



Hey bro...Im sure this is not the right time nor place for this but



Just thought Id let you know you spelled "misinformatIon" wrong :jester: lmao



Edited by smoke03 (see edit history)

Whoa lawl chill out..


K I will admit, its really not that terrible, haha go buy somethin with really high output, ie 800 hp and see what happens though....


That crap will break so fast its not even funny. The real way to clean your crap is to take the engine apart at like, 100k or so and every 50-100k after that and just replace the small cheap stuff and clean it up a little..youd be surprised how much that helps an engine to last longer (my unc's land cruiser ran way past 400k without a full engine rebuild)....


Sure it wont hurt in low concentrations and what not, but its really ineffective every 20th tank..on a high output engine (the sss 6.0 ie), crap is actually engineered for the flow of fuel..the pistons are optimized for the right entrance angle and crap on the piston head, so there usually isnt a lot of carbon buildup..sure its not gonna hurt but why waste the money on the stuff? It doesnt need it that often..


and you dont gotta put a huge "MISINFORMATON" like that unless your a douche (Lol jk), but sure seafoam doesnt hurt (still debatable). What I wouldnt do though is put it through vacuum systems like the brake booster. I've honestly heard of bad things happening when you do that (internal rubber gaskets and stuff).


wutever though, its your truck


Yeah those gas additives are pretty cruddy..


If you really, really loved your truck, like if you read it stories and kiss it good night, id take her apart and replace the small stuff that doesnt need machine work and stuff and clean it yourself, but you gotta have skills :wacko:


lol wutever

Posted (edited)
Seafoam is for old camrys and hondas lol..dont use that stuff on your truck..its bad stuff. Seafoamin ur car what you do if your lazy and you dont want to do a proper cleanup..plus its meant for really old friggin ferd countours and stuff. Stuff with a lotta carbon buildup..Your truck wouldnt have enough to be effective. It would harm it more than it helps


lots of reputable members have used, suggested and even made a how-to for our trucks. until i hear anything negative about it, its ok in my book. you can use it a few different ways, feeding it through the PCV is probably the most effective way.


The primary objective is to clean the injectors, so if you do nothing else pour the Sea Foam into your near-empty gas tank and run it through your engine. BUT, these LSx engines do pull a lot of oil into the intake manifold, and what that means is carbon buildup on the back of valves and Sea Foam can help with this and IMO feeding the Sea Foam into the engine via the PCV valve makes the most sense.


I waited until it was time to change my engine oil, so that I could put in fresh oil right after treatment. I bought 2 cans of Sea Foam ($15) with my oil & filter, and also ran the fuel down to 1/8th tank (approximately 4 gallons in tank) then did the following -


1. park truck OUTSIDE and made sure engine is at full operating temerature;

2. pour 1/2 of a can into a suitable non-plastic cup or other open container (be very careful, Sea Foam EATS paint), and then let the running engine sip it all out of the cup through the PCV valve (just dunk it into the cup and the engine will suck it into the intake) and then immediately shut off engine;












3. let engine sit for several hours;

4. pour rest of Sea Foam (1-1/2 cans) into fuel tank (again be careful with your paint);

5. restart engine and blow out carbon, it'll take a few minutes and there will be a nasty smelly white cloud coming out of the exhaust, run engine with a slowly increasing and decreasing idle until exhaust runs clear


After upper-end treatment drive the truck until the rest of the treated gas has been used (don't be afraid to run the tank below E for a few miles!).


Another alternative to Sea Foam is the Tera-Clean top-end cleaning system, any of you guys familiar with that?


Mr. P. :)


he said "Dunk"

Edited by WODY (see edit history)

Seafoam is in my eyes the best stuff you can put in your truck. I would just put it in the gas tank with say a half tank and it will do your truck some good. My brother has used it on his eclipse and our old family ford and it looked like 007 with the smoke screen afterwards but the cars ran like a champ afterwards as well. I wouldn't put it in my vacuum line as I just don't see the risk as a valuable faction of the benifits. I would just put in the tank and leave it at that but thats just my 02.


i used to put it in my old truck a full bottle right into the vacuum line. smoked like hell for 20 minutes. fogged out highways lol. but it seemed to clear alot of crap out, and ran smoother.

i used to put it in my old truck a full bottle right into the vacuum line. smoked like hell for 20 minutes. fogged out highways lol. but it seemed to clear alot of crap out, and ran smoother.
LOL smoke out highways LOL!!!!!!!ima try it soon wen i have to change my oil ima grab that sea foam, is it bttr if u put it in thru the vaccum line, or jus thru the gas tank?
Sea Foam = good stuff :chevy:

Where can u purchase da Sea-Foam Stuff? And is it better thru Gas tank or PCV line? How much would u have 2 put thru line 2 work ? Thanks killers :cheers:

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