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Got The Windows Tinted & Eyebrow'd.


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Got my tint installed lastnight.

35% on the back 3

20% on the FR & FL

5% eyebrow





I took a picture before I removed the eyebrow. It was just way to low for me. I felt as if I was driving through a never ending tunnel on my way to work at 5:00am LOL (Guess I'm getting old)




I may go with a 20% and just set it at the "AS1" line or just leave it as is.

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Tint the whole windshield, you will LOVE it! :cheers:

Until you get into someone else's truck and say "Dude, wth, you ain't got no tint in here?" and you can't see because you don't own sunglasses anymore because your windsheild is tinted. :jester:


Chris' truck is awsome to ride in on a hot sunny day. Makes the AC work soooooo much better it's not even funny.

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No Brow FTW




I wear shades so I never saw the need. and before anyone says, with a brow, you wouldn't need to wear shades, I prefer to wear shades. especially the way the pollen has been kickin my eyes asses so far this summer. need to hide and protect those things and save my 20-13 vision.


:cool: FTW

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On the topic of th Brow.

For me it might not be so bad if it just cleared or just right above the fade into the factory tint and was like a 20% tint.


It was very uncomfortable for me to drive being so far down the windshiled and a 5%. I also didn't care for the look it gave. It reminded me of the static (NAME OF AUTO) stick on tint that was popular a few years back that was sold just about everywhere. To borrow SS Silv's words "Tacky".


I'm not knocking anyones ride if you have this type of brow and that dark, It's your choice. It just didn't work for me :)


Now yes I can see doing the whole windshiled in like a 50% but for my aging eyes I don't think I'd be able to drive it at night LOL.. A lot of these roads out here in BFE... MO are only lit by your headlights and can be hard enought to navigate as it is. LOL


Again I might do as I mentioned above but it was sure nice driving into work this morning finally making it out of that tunnel. LOL

Edited by Tzer (see edit history)
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