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Vista Help Please

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Ok i had to reformatt my Laptop after the move...And now I cant fiure out how to turn off the stupid security windows that pop up before downloads asking for permission and all my pics for example i out on my desktop are all blurry....any ideas?



also it puts all my webpage icons in the system tray to the far left instead of the far right and it is driving me crazy???? Its like everything changed i cant even change little things like the colot of the system tray to the color i used to have, etc...


Thanks in advance

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Ok i had to reformatt my Laptop after the move...And now I cant fiure out how to turn off the stupid security windows that pop up before downloads asking for permission and all my pics for example i out on my desktop are all blurry....any ideas?



also it puts all my webpage icons in the system tray to the far left instead of the far right and it is driving me crazy???? Its like everything changed i cant even change little things like the colot of the system tray to the color i used to have, etc...


Thanks in advance


Yea go to the control panel > User accounts and turn User account control off and reboot.

Edited by rrmccabe (see edit history)
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I have Vista on my home computer. The screen saver won't work ... set the time, and it never comes on. Secondly ... I have that strip of windows to the right on my homepage. It has a box, and it cycles through my photo's. Well somehow, It decided to download all of Rockhead's (Mark) photos, and start rotating through those ... I finally went in and deleted all 90 photo's....


It acts weird ... so any help on the Screen Saver?? I try clicking "Ok" and "Apply" and nothing fixes the problem ... I just don't want the screen to get burnt with the icons'

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I'm shopping for a new PC for work atm and I'm sure they are going to want me to get a vista system. EWWW

Maybe I'll find an XP system with a free upgrade and just not install the upgrade ;)


I'm sure they will get it all ironed out sooner or later, but it sure is funny that last year when I was looking for a laptop for my daughter it was almost impossible to find one without vista where now you can get them all day with XP


What does that tell us all? LMAO


I think it rates right up there with the new Office 2007. I installed it for an hour and promptly removed it back for my 2003.


Good luck. at least I know I'll be able to ask some of you guys Q's when I get stuck with it.

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turn odd the aero effects



how do you do this??.....when i first bought this and took it home it did none of these things its doing now here i'll give ya screen shot enlarge it and you can see what it is doing to all large pics..it does it in the chat room for the background as well...and look in the system tray..it puts all the icons to the right instead of on the left ....irritating


Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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Right Click on "My Computer"go to "Proprities"Click on the "Advanced" tabUnder performance go to "Settings"Now click on "Adjust for best performance"Or you can choose what you would like to turn offoh, one more thing.. GET RID OF LIMEWIRE!!!!! its one of the BIGGEST ways to reinfect your pc!!!!!sorry. rant off.

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OK, so... I didn't really want to get into this, but I suppose I will since I feel bad...


I had Vista almost 6 months before it was released, I was a bottem-end developer (sniffing for bugs, nothing really serious). I had no problems with Vista, not once (even with the dev version, which I still have on my PC).


Brad --> I hope your laptop is powerful enough to handle vista, let me say that first. Many people simply do not realize how much of a performance whore vista is... A properly set up, well performing will LOVE vista; but lower-end, slower computers will cry and get bloody noses.


That being said:


Your backround is fuzzy because the resolution of your screen is jacked way up, and Vista is stretching that image to make it fit on the screen. You have two solutions for this, you can lower your overall resolution (which might even yield a performance gain), or you can turn off the image stretching (and either center the image with a backround color of your choice, or tile it over the desktop). Right click the desktop, go display properties, go backround, you will find the image stretching / centering / tiling. I would not recommend changing your resolution if you are happy with it (Basically, if you go more resolution, everything gets tinier, looks prettier, but is uses more processing power; Vice-Versa for less resolution).


The "system tray" to the left (near the start button), is called the quick launch bar. It's a taskbar mounted toolbar (I personally love it, I use mine all the time). If you want to turn it off, it's incredibly easily (although in the earlier dev versions it kept turning itself back on unless you turned off "advanced speech services" at the same time). You should be able to right click on the taskbar itself, in the menu that comes up should be toolbars, and you should be able to uncheck "Quick Launch"



On the note of Aero Effects: They are gorgeous, but ultimately pointless. Vista will only allow you to turn them on if you're using a computer powerful enough to handle them (it judges this through its own built in stress test). Go control panel, performance, and you should see an area where your performance is judged on a 1-10 scale. If it's not judged yet, close all your running programs and have the stress test done. If you pull below a 7, turn off Aero. My 6 year old $7000 gaming computer BARELY pulls a 7, just to give you an idea. The dev team did say they were going to make it easier to achieve a higher score (this is so companies like Dell could advertise pulling a 9 on a cheaper system), I'm not sure if that actually happened or not. If you manage to pull a 7 or above, leaving aero on is fine. It makes everything a little smoother, a little prettier, but doesn't put a massive drag on the system in and of itself.

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Right Click on "My Computer"go to "Proprities"Click on the "Advanced" tabUnder performance go to "Settings"Now click on "Adjust for best performance"Or you can choose what you would like to turn offoh, one more thing.. GET RID OF LIMEWIRE!!!!! its one of the BIGGEST ways to reinfect your pc!!!!!sorry. rant off.



I've had limewire for almost 4 years and never had any problems...


You just have to be really picky about what you download. I use it for single songs only, and I bittorrent everything else.

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GET RID OF LIMEWIRE!!!!! its one of the BIGGEST ways to reinfect your pc!!!!!sorry. rant off.


I agree to a point. Protect yourself well and only download from your trusted areas when possible and you should be OK... but FOR SURE do backups often and run active scanning in your virus software.

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ok turning the computer images for best perrformance takes my screen back to the early 90'sin appearance and i dont like that..lol


Thwe problem is when i first got this I had none of these issues.....I could set a background with no problems and change the color of my system tray and windows pop-ups but I cant do it now.....I just dont understand what happenend...

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