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Well This Pissed Me Off This Morning


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Wow, that is a scary picture. I am a cyclist, I ride my road bike 4 times a week, about 2 miles of it on the public streets, the rest on the bike trail. I have been hit once by a driver that, without warning or looking, decided to make a sudden right turn, into me. Luckily just some scrapes an sore muscles for me. The bike needed a new front wheel.


What upsets me most are drivers who yell at me to get off the road and ride on the sidewalk. They apparently know nothing of the laws for cyclists, as riding on the sidewalk is illegal in my city (and in most cities around here). And I have the right to use the road according the to vehicle code. Yeah, I know it is a moments inconvenience for them when I have to take the lane, but there are two other lanes for them, and it is my life on the line.


I guess that is why I like mountain biking best. You only have to worry about mountain lions and cactus. No distracted drivers with a cell phone in one hand and a cheese burger in the other.

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