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North American Union


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as you may or may not know, the rulers of our country are pushing towards this NAU were canada, USA, and mexico form as one regional union. its basically the same thing as the european union today, which i don't like one bit. it will take away our patriotism of our country and the independence of the united states. and another important fact on this is when both our presidential canidates were asked about there thoughts on the NAU, both obama & mccain are for this :mad: and i'm am against this 100 percent. now, what are your thoughts on this?










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yeah i am also against it, it is just one more step to eventualy haveing one world govt. and no privacy.


its bullshit right, all hell is breaking loose right under everyone's noses and no one seems to care. it pisses me off man. people need to wake the hell up and see whats really going on with our government. we all need to speak our opinions about this. talk with your family & friends about this as much as you can, try to spark people's brain cells and stop being the governments sheepole. this is the kinds of subjects everyone really needs to be discussing these days, at least have a say on the matter, for our kids sake. we don't want our children growing up in a one world government, believe me. ya know, theres a reason why they put the book "1984" by George Orewell into the school systems you know. to try to get the younger generation to get use to these horrible truths. wake up people and please, have a say on the matter.

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out of the 75 views, only one person has a say on this? :confused: i'm confused. you know, it won't be unpatriotic to come out and speak against this, in fact, its unpatriotic if we don't come out and speak against this. this is the type of polliticaly correctness that has been enstilled in everyones minds over time and its not right. we have a freedom of speech right now, and we have an opinion, why aren't you guys exercising it? i can't understand for the life of me why? i can see that if your not involved in politics and you want nothing to do with it at all, but its these kinds of subjects that will effect our childen and our grandchildren, and PLEASE, at least have a say on the matter and lets discuse this amounst ourselves. it won't mean your unpatriotic, it means you care, plain & simple. and in my opinion, everyone should care about this. and if you don't care about it, chances are your just a single minded individual that cannot be helped. once again, i'm not trying to sway your opinion one way or the other, i just want to hear your voice, thats all. PLEASE resond people, for this is bigger than almost anything & everything we are disscusing these days. theres a reason you won't find this subject on the NAU on TV, and when it is on TV, they're criticizing it to the fullest extent. so once again, speak your mind !!!!!

Edited by BlackSS04 (see edit history)
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people need to go to you tube and search north american free trade agreement. there are some really alarming video's on this. if it happens we are well on the way to being controlled by the govt. i know alot of people on this board have guns, and guns would be the first thing that gets taken away from us.

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I AM NOT FOR THIS....WTF........... :wtf: !

Good ol' bush!!!!! NAU is just the beginning. 1 Bank 1 Army 1 Government! Thats the ultamite goal!! Here is the NAU clip from the movie Zeitgeist.Check this video


NAU......1 World Government! Short clip on this topic


Zeitgeist complete Movie.... this blew my mind!! A must see!!

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people need to go to you tube and search north american free trade agreement. there are some really alarming video's on this. if it happens we are well on the way to being controlled by the govt. i know alot of people on this board have guns, and guns would be the first thing that gets taken away from us.


your right, there are some great videos on youtube. i'd advise everyone on here to go and check some of them out on your spare time and learn the truth about it. and yes, the agreement does want to ban guns, as do obama & mccain.


I AM NOT FOR THIS....WTF........... :wtf: !

Good ol' bush!!!!! NAU is just the beginning. 1 Bank 1 Army 1 Government! Thats the ultamite goal!! Here is the NAU clip from the movie Zeitgeist.Check this video


NAU......1 World Government! Short clip on this topic


Zeitgeist complete Movie.... this blew my mind!! A must see!!


this is very, very, sad but true. zeitegeist is real people !! do your homework on it instead of tryin to figure HP numbers, and you'll see it is just as true as the fact that we live on the planet earth. don't be biased people, educate yourself !!!!!!

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Dude please dont get me started i am so pissed of between the NAU,the NAFTA superhighway and the way the country is nowadays it just gets me so upset and when you try to talk to people about it they act like youe weird or they just dont want to hear it.The news even reported the other day that in California less than 50% of students were going to graduate this year,WTF.

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Dude please dont get me started i am so pissed of between the NAU,the NAFTA superhighway and the way the country is nowadays it just gets me so upset and when you try to talk to people about it they act like youe weird or they just dont want to hear it.The news even reported the other day that in California less than 50% of students were going to graduate this year,WTF.


did you know that they already started work on the NAFTA superhighway already in the remote lands of texas? this is happening right NOW people, and if you don't believe me, research it and find out for yourself. for the people that think " this won't ever happen, this guys just nuts ", the highway is already under construction, which means the leaders of mexico, canada, and the usa have already made this deal without us even knowing. governments these days are trained in the art of deception, just look at our history and you'll see that. the NAU is already happening folks, sorry to say. wake up (ding,ding,ding,ding)

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so only 6 people out of almost a thousand people on this forum have a say on this? :confused: for the rest of you, i wont ask what you think about the NAU, i'll ask you why you don't have an opinion on it? i would really like to know!

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