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Best Kill Ever!


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sorry for the long read....


OK so this happened this last weekend. i was commin back from dinner with my girl who had'nt come home from school in lik a month, so yeah we were doing the guality time thing. so we're on our way back and we happen to take the streets (dont know y), and out of nowhere this f*c*ing douchbag in an F150 is all over my bumper and my chick got a little nervous, oh did i mention she asked to drive back :D. anyways he keeps tailgating us on the STREET and it's lik 1am so i told her to jump in the right lane, when she does he pulls up and i see it's a Harley addition and he gives it a little rev. it was two guys in the truck and he kept jumpin on us so i told my girl give her a rev and just take off, so she does takes him right, just so have it catch a red maybe five seconds after that. so at the red he get next to us rolls his window all the way and just starts mean mogin us and rev it so i told my chick to return the favor and take the damn traction control off (Art :smash: )at the green he guns it but my girl is affraid to punch it so she bogged it of the light but at the top of my first we were already even and by 75-80 we had them by atleast 4 trucks on him when she let off and i had the biggest grin on my faces. they stayed back for two more light at the next red we caught she rolled my window down and says and i quote " hey i lik ur truck it's really cute, it's just too slow" LMFAO!!!!!!!!! :crackup: so needless to say he wasnt happy and he flicked us off and just turned at that light with a nice little burnout i might say. aaahhhhh yes i think im in LOVE :wub: . it was one of the best kills "i've" ever gotten, well atleast it was in my truck right. when we got home my girl looks at me and says now i know y enjoy that so much. SSS FTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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