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No....SS Silv didnt like you...I dont mind you aside from the drunk driving...endangering others and all that jazz.

But use proper grammer and dont write the way you talk and a lot of guys will back off.

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No....SS Silv didnt like you...I dont mind you aside from the drunk driving...endangering others and all that jazz.

But use proper grammer and dont write the way you talk and a lot of guys will back off.


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wow...so much luv here for me....Im a changed person my dawgs...I stopped doin stupid {beeeep}.n there is nothin wrong with spending mny that is given to you...

ok ok ok ok ok

now i gotta chime in..

this thread is goin on for Five+ friggin long winded pages. I never dealt with this guy before when he caused problems, and I wont deal with him now. My issue here is NOT that Krambo did his superb best at removing the profanity.. Honestly GREAT JOB Krambo.. I do mean that, Im not being sarcastic, but the focus of this site is being lost, and quite quickly.

In seeing that 26dub_SS has a KNOWN history here of issues and problems, and ( I THINK, don't quote me too much here), being banned at some point??... wouldn't such an obvious violation be cause for another ban, or public formal warning? YES, I am bringing this to light, which I SWORE I wasn't going to do, but this is a FIVE page thread about who likes who, who hates what, who can spell, who's a gangsta.. la la la. .more than just a random joke, or a "ha ha"..or what have you.. This site IS our community, but more importantly, this site IS Merv and SK_Josh's BUSINESS is it not? I cannot sit on the sidelines any longer and I have to call FOUL now.. I'm sorry guys and gals of the community, but this is outright ridiculous.

Again, Krambo, good job! But I would like to know why this guy can come in here, cause such a stir, get everyone going, and is still allowed to post without any formal warnings, bannings, etc? He's upsetting the community! Now me on the other hand, I've been rather quiet as of late, a few posts here and there, but not what I used to be, all because I am trying to be "good" for a year to get my formal warning removed for a friendly joke I put in a post. (This is the part I swore Id never bring to light, but I have to do so now cuz I am getting sick of this guy and this thread and what he's doing to us.. SORRY MODS AND ADMINS.. )

Mervz and SK_Josh.. Please jump in here and take some action.. as a member of this site, and someone who LOVES this community and 99.999% of everyone here .. PLEASE help! I think we need you two to come in here and reiterate some things and level out the field, make it fair and even. Make it what it used to be, before it degrades into a site where people DON'T want to visit anymore, a site where its all about the bickering and the fights, and the threads like this one.

To that end, I penned this:

"We the Drivers, to form a more perfect union establish Justice, Insure posting Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this site for the GM Vehicles, most importantly the Chevy Silverado to post and communicate in freedom from those who wish to oppress and defame. This is our site, this is our community, treat it well, and it will treat you well. "

Again, please help!!



I am ready for the flames and the troubles that will now come my way, but I had to say my part.

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