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Weekend Plans


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Headin about 4 hours north to visit my cousin. He's got cancer and probably not going to make it much longer. :sigh: Sorry to be a downer, but that's what I'm doing. Hope everyone else has a better weekend.

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get drunk......


you made this statement just the other day .."Ive lost lot of friends the same way too. Thats one of the reasons Im so pissed at myself cause I keep doing it. I hate leaving my truck places overnight and I dont do anything stupid when I drive drunk or even buzzed but thats no excuse. I really need to stop, I think Im the only one out of my closest friends who hasnt got a DUI also. "


IMO you have a problem man...you should have got a DUI the other weekend in your gasoline alley thread about it but you got a pass...and how are you taking advantage of it? By telling us your going to go out and get drunk this weekend and then convince yourself you dont do anything stupid when you drive drunk? Come on man driving drunk is stupid..when your drunk your not reacting or thinking like you should be....


I dont want to come on here and see a thread about you being in a bad accident...you stated above you get mad at yourself because you keep doing it (sign of a problem)...I dont know how old you are but you need to shelve the booze..the only reason I am bringing this up is in hopes everyone on here will rally and convince you alcohol isnt worth your life...believe it or not we all care about each other and want all to have a good time but your putting yourself,friends, and others on the road at risk and you have no right to do that.


I for one am an example that you can have fun,fish,boat,hang out wih friends and not drink...no one is saying cut it out completely just dont drink to get drunk which is what you seem to be doing.

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Have not decided. Any suggestions?


If you need to find something locally use the meguiars #80. It's a good mild polish to start out with. If you are buying something online, try the pinnacle products shown in that video.

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IMO you have a problem man...you should have got a DUI the other weekend in your gasoline alley thread about it but you got a pass...and how are you taking advantage of it? By telling us your going to go out and get drunk this weekend and then convince yourself you dont do anything stupid when you drive drunk? Come on man driving drunk is stupid..when your drunk your not reacting or thinking like you should be....


I dont want to come on here and see a thread about you being in a bad accident...you stated above you get mad at yourself because you keep doing it (sign of a problem)...I dont know how old you are but you need to shelve the booze..the only reason I am bringing this up is in hopes everyone on here will rally and convince you alcohol isnt worth your life...believe it or not we all care about each other and want all to have a good time but your putting yourself,friends, and others on the road at risk and you have no right to do that.


I for one am an example that you can have fun,fish,boat,hang out wih friends and not drink...no one is saying cut it out completely just dont drink to get drunk which is what you seem to be doing.

Well said Brad! :thumbs: brobradh77 is living up to his user name! None of us on this site want to see thraeds titled "I got into an accident last night, while driving drunk". Just like Brad, I also have fun without drinking. Come to think of it, I've never been drunk, high, or under the influence(sp) of any thing.


I'm not trying to preach here. I don't expect people to be like me, because this would be a boaring planet to live on. But if you "drink to get drunk" IMO you need help.


I have a bro-in-law that can't leave his beer at home when he comes over to my house for my sons birhtday party. He can't be without it for 2-3 hours? WTF? Want to talk about haveing a problem!


Sorry for the rant! :rant:

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Friday Night: Dinner and drinks with my wife, stopped by friends afterwards for a couple more beers and retelling the Father's Day Flying Grill Incident, lots of laughs...again :jester:


Saturday: Already started/finished 3 loads of laundry, kitchen cleaned, dishes done, floor mopped (wife mopped the floor) House straightened up and swept. Visit supervisor for my granddaughter with her mother (Mother of the Year BTW :fume: ) Mounted the side firebox (for smoking) on the Flying Grill :thumbs: Cutting some trees down and cutting the lawn (Flying Grill Brothers get to help with this) Then a wedding and reception tonight. We are having one of the boys drop us off and pick us up :thumbs:


Sunday: Hopefully weather holds out and get a nice scooter ride in of a couple hundred miles


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Garage sale is going great, sweating my a$$ off tho, i wish i was as fortunate as Chase air conditoning sounds great right now. PS, im outside surfing the interwebz while i wait for people to arrive, im guessing it's about 190* out here:) .


Tommorrow, hopefully something more fun.lol

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packing...found out Thurs. that i have to go to Ft MCCOY WI in the morning. over 1800 mi from here for work. taking a 3000 gal pump truck and trailers there for a new contract we got. the SS can't go :cry: should be back in about 10 days.. the GOOD part, is i get paid for ALL hours gone, :cheers: straight time, time 1/2 and double time :ughdance: maybe when i get back i might be able to afford to fill my gas tank.. :lol:

anything to do up there besides freeze...been 110+ here



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Crap, it is too hot to polish the truck. Planned on doing that this morning, but had to help my kid replace the battery in his truck. Plus I had to order polish and wax. Ended up getting some from Griot's Garage. Now I am sitting here transferring songs to my iPod. I have about 20 CD's to go through. :D

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